Is It A Good Thing To Throw Babies Into Water To Learn To Swim?

We occasionally see on social media that babies just a few months old can easily stand on water and swim. So how logical does this sound? While even adults make a lot of effort to learn to swim, how can babies do this?

They can neither talk nor walk… But things change when they get into the water! I wonder, little ones, what we are all unaware of? Do they have some skills, or do we think so?

It’s time to reveal this secret It’s coming and going!

In fact, there are three different water reflexes behind these skills of babies.

The most remarkable of the reflexes that babies have is undoubtedly the It is the diving reflex that explains how they can continue to breathe under water. Although it may sound interesting that babies can easily overcome this behavior, which even we cannot achieve from time to time, the answer is quite simple and logical.

The moment the baby’s face comes into contact with water, regardless of whether it is cold or hot, the heartbeat decreases significantly. Although this may seem scary at first, the diving reflex aims to direct blood flow to vital organs and preserve oxygen. So this behavior It’s a survival mechanism they involuntarily implement. can think as.

So what about this mechanism? If you ask if we still have it, unfortunately no. This skill begins to disappear after five to eight months because the brain gradually develops towards the conscious regulation of breath holding in emergency situations.

Additionally, the swimming reflex may suggest that these little heroes learned to swim from birth.

baby on water

A baby placed face down in the water displays swimming movements in harmony with its arms and legs. Everything is fine so far, but the swimming reflex, contrary to popular belief, Although it is seemingly an indicator of swimming, it is actually a reflexive response.

Little ones who are only a few months old need to practice real swimming skills. Unfortunately, he/she does not have sufficient coordination, muscle strength and breathing control. They make these movements under the influence of the swimming reflex and are not conscious.

The grasping reflex is another water reflex that makes us think that babies are swimming in water.

little ones Instinctively grasps or curls fingers and toes when palms or soles are touched We have definitely witnessed it. Again, this behavior of theirs as a reaction to the resistance of the water may give rise to the idea that they know how to swim, but this is also an illusion.


In summary, babies cannot have safe swimming behavior due to the physical deficiencies caused by their small size. Behind this assumption are their special reflexes and They lose these as they grow up.

In other words, falling for the videos on social media channels, It would be better not to just leave your baby in the water.


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