Where else is Cochineal beetle blood used to color packaged foods, besides bacon?
A famous brand in the retail sector with bacon, sausage, salami and meat products, Allegation that there are insects in pastrami with on the agenda.
clearly on the packaging of the packaged product. E120 The inclusion of the article strengthens the allegations regarding the incident. “We’re eating bacon.” I mean actually Are we consuming insects?
The tweet about the carmine beetle coming to the agenda:
This substance, referred to as E120, is in addition to the bacon package that stunned everyone to see it. It is also included in many other products.
What is E120 carmine?
It appears as E120 in the packages. carmineIt is used in many fields as a natural food additive. natural color pigment Carmine is a substance that is examined by food commissions all over the world and is allowed to be used under certain conditions.
Within the scope of use in accordance with the Turkish Food Codex Regulation on Food Additives The use of carmine is not prohibited. Within the framework of the rules, it is stated that its presence in products does not harm human health.
How is carmine produced?
Carmine, which is not produced in Turkey, is one of the imported products. Carmine, which is generally produced in Peru, has two different types: powder and liquid. It is generally used because it is easy to store and use. powder form preferable.
The carminic acid salt constitutes 52% of the carmine content. 1% ammonia, 43% maltodextrin, and 4% H2O are the other components in its content.
In the production of carmine Cochineal insect species is used. Insects that have completed 90 days and reached adulthood can be dried in sunlight as well as soaked in hot water. death by baking and black carmine substance is obtained.
Where is carmine used?
Carmine has been used to make red dye since the Middle Ages. Now usually in foodstuffs Some of the things we encounter, such as carmine and lipstick, in cosmetics It is also available.
carmine; It is widely used in yoghurts, fruit milks and ice creams. in meat products such as meat, sausage, bacon is also included. Carmine; It is also found in carbonated soft drinks, candy, jam, biscuits, fruit juice, chewing gum, pudding, wafers, cakes and some sauces.
Now that you know this, would you continue to consume products containing this substance?
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