Is immortality possible with ChatGPT?

The rapid development of artificial intelligence has started to solve big problems in daily life. Lastly, in the past few months ChatGPT The chatbot raised the question of whether humans could “live as artificial intelligence.” Here are some interesting statements from the CEO of a metaverse company.

“With ChatGPT, we can revive dead people”

Somnium Space, a company that develops a virtual reality world where people can live forever in their own metaverse. Artur Sychov, CEO of Somnium Space, stated that ChatGPT plays a major role in moving towards this goal.

The company “live forever” feature allows to create a digitized version of a person using personal data. People whose data is stored can communicate with this interactive version even after their death.

ChatGPT era begins in meetings!

ChatGPT era begins in meetings!

Microsoft announced ChatGPT support for Teams, the popular meeting tool of the last period. Here are Microsoft Teams Premium benefits!

CEO Artur Sychov stated that their primary goal is to ensure that the digital avatar is realistic. According to Sychov, if people don’t realize they’re talking to an AI within the first 10 minutes of their conversation, the digital identity will have been successfully created.

The advent of ChatGPT reduced the time required for “Live Forever” to as little as two years. According to Sychov’s explanation, the metaverse provides ideal conditions for the development of ChatGPT, as it is an environment where artificial intelligence can be developed in a controlled manner.

YouTube video

ChatGPT, create a digital avatar Although it is quite successful, it also brings with it some difficulties. Somnium Space underlined that it is not possible to keep the records required for each avatar. There are also problems with imitating and remembering the human voice.

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