Is GRT Coin Artificial Intelligence? Here Are The Remarkable Artificial Intelligence Coins

Coin projects that center artificial intelligence are on the rise in parallel with the developments in the industry, especially ChatGPT, the productive artificial intelligence supported chat robot of OpenAI. Due to the work done by many technology giants on artificial intelligence models and increasing investments in this field, the predictive project developers of the crypto sector also give priority to projects that combine artificial intelligence and blockchain.

Artificial intelligence can offer very comprehensive results depending on the datasets processed, and the usage area of ​​artificial intelligence is diversifying day by day.

When we look at the crypto money markets, we come across a series of artificial intelligence coins. While some of these coins are really focused on solving a problem and promising, others are lagging behind in the artificial intelligence race.

The Graph (GRT) coin, which comes up first when it comes to artificial intelligence coins, is positioned as an Ethereum-based big data project. In fact, it does not seem possible to call GRT an artificial intelligence coin; As a matter of fact, GRT coin aims to meet the data needs in this field.

On the other hand, if we look at the GRT coin dynamics, we come across an interesting piece of information. Although it should not be confused with real artificial intelligence coins, the current market value of the GRT coin is seen to exceed $ 920 million. This figure shows us the potential of this field.

Among the projects that attract attention and are literally positioned as an artificial intelligence coin is the yPredict token, whose pre-sale activity is still ongoing. The project, which attracted attention with the pre-sale event organized for investors who want to buy yPredict tokens at discounted prices, aims to strengthen crypto price prediction and data analysis with artificial intelligence technology.

What You Need to Know About the yPredict Project

Developed to be an artificial intelligence supported price prediction platform, yPredict aims to bring an innovative perspective to the field of crypto analysis.

Developed by experienced stock market analysts and leading artificial intelligence experts, the yPredict project sets out to create an ‘all-in-one’ ecosystem.

The project, which is shown as the future of the crypto trading field, also gets a passing grade from industry experts, judging by the interest shown by investors who want to buy yPredict tokens.

The yPredict platform, which brings together the developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning and investors, wants to make fast and logical decisions thanks to its wide product range.

Alerts created with data-driven analytics, proven analytical metrics and predictive models of financial data scientists are offered to investors who don’t want to waste time investing.

On the yPredict pre-sale page, besides the technical analysis document, a comparison with equipped crypto analysis platforms such as Dash2Trade, DefyTrends and LunarCrush can be examined. It can be clearly seen in these reviews that yPredict is ahead of all its competitors.

yPredict Pre-Sale Gets High Interest

At the heart of the yPredict project is the platform’s native token, the YPRED token. Investors who want to purchase yPredict tokens at discounted prices have the opportunity to become an early-term investor by participating in the gradual pre-sale event.

YPRED token, a Polygon blockchain-based artificial intelligence coin, has a supply of 100 million tokens, and a large portion of this supply, 80 percent, is offered to investors with a pre-sale event.

In the 8-stage pre-sale event, the price of the YPRED token is planned to increase at each stage. YPRED token, which found buyers at $ 0.036 in the first stage, is expected to be sold at $ 0.11 when it comes to the final stage.

At the end of the pre-sale event, it is aimed to sell a total of 80 million tokens and raise 6 million 507 thousand 551 dollars in funds.

The YPRED token has a number of uses. First and foremost, YPRED coin is used to subscribe to access premium features of the yPredict ecosystem.

It is aimed to have three different subscription models on the platform.

In the free version, users have the chance to test the power of artificial intelligence and some basic features at no cost. Experienced users who want to reach the full potential of the platform can choose one of the two subscription models called Active and Professional.

In addition, users can benefit from Play-Win (P2E) and Learn-Win (L2E) features while having the opportunity to earn passive income with the staking mechanism that will be put into use.

The YPRED token, which meets its investors at discounted prices before the stock market listings, can be used to pay for the prediction models available in the market as well as the yPredict platform memberships.

According to the information in the technical analysis document, the yPredict team plans to release the full version of the Analytics, Repository and Marketplace platform by the end of 2023.

YPRED token, which provides access to the artificial intelligence supported yPredict price prediction platform, can be purchased using ETH, MATIC or card on the pre-sale page.

Users who want to browse the platform before investing have the opportunity to try the recently released beta version. The yPredict beta version can be accessed via a redirect that is activated on the pre-sale page.

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