Is Gnox (GNOX) the Next “Millionaire-Making Crypto”?

As the Gnox (GNOX) token is already making 60 percent profits, Binance Coin (BNB) and Polygon (MATIC) whales are debating whether this coin is the “next” “millionaire crypto”.

Gnox on the verge of mass adoption

With its unique “yield farming-as-a-service” value proposition, Gnox Token (GNOX) has a real chance at mass adoption and millionaire producer status. This is known as something that every crypto project dreams of. Polygon (MATIC) and Binance (BNB) have gained significant adoption within the crypto investment community. Yet actual consumer adoption is still pretty low. This makes the MATIC and BNB whales sit down and reconsider their vision for the future.

What makes the Gnox platform such an early candidate for potential mass adoption? First, it makes diversifying your crypto investments as easy as buying an ETF. Second, it makes passive income as simple as buying a dividend stock. All crypto-savvy investors need to do to invest in a diversified basket of cryptocurrencies and earn passive income is simply to buy and hold Gnox’s token. This much. The rest is done for them.

So how does this thing work? In short, everyone who buys GNOX gives a share of their tokens to a common treasury. This treasury is then used to invest in various crypto assets that offer passive income opportunities such as staking, lending and liquidity pooling. Profits from these activities are then used to buy GNOX tokens off the ground on various exchanges and burn them immediately. This reduces the token supply and thus increases their value over time.

Project provides passive income opportunity

The trick is when you sell your GNOXs, you leave your treasury donations behind. This means that every time someone buys/sells GNOX, the treasury grows. As the treasury grows, it generates more and more passive income. This reduces the supply of GNOX. On top of that, 1% royalties on all GNOX sales are airdropped back to all GNOX holders. Not once a month, once a week, or even once a day, but once an hour. This means you can watch your stocks grow throughout the day.

This combination of easy passive income, ever-dwindling supply, and ever-growing treasury provides the ultimate incentive to enter GNOX as early as possible and stay long. In the meantime, there is some good news. It’s actually too early, as the Gnox platform isn’t released until August 18. Meanwhile, innovative ICOs have already yielded more than 60 wins for early adopters. How is this possible? The ICO is divided into three phases, each lasting a month. At the end of each stage, all unsold tokens allocated to that stage are burned, thus increasing the price of the token for the next stage.

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Once the platform starts, all unsold tokens will be burned and endless deflation of supply will begin. This ensures a fair launch as all tokens will be fully earned and no new tokens will ever be minted. With the pre-launch burn, the price of GNOX is expected to rise significantly as soon as it hits the open market. If you want to get into the project before that, you can do so directly from the Gnox.ioi websites. Learn more about the project:

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