iPhone continues its decline in the Chinese market!

According to information received, iPhone sales have entered a significant downward trend in the Chinese market. It is said that large-scale meetings were held to investigate the reasons for this situation, which shocked Apple management. Undoubtedly, this decline in a large market like China may be very costly for the company in the coming period.

Apple, which has made huge discounts on iPhone 15 models sold in China, still continues to have difficulties in increasing its sales. While the country’s general economic crisis has reduced user demand considerably, many people have turned to domestic brands that can be considered more affordable. Here are all the details…

iPhone sales are deteriorating in the Chinese market

While iPhone sales decreased by 24% compared to last year, Huawei phones sold 64% more. The most important reason for this surprising situation is the increasing technological capacity of Chinese companies with government support.

Many people think that while brands such as OPPO, vivo and Xiaomi offer new generation features at attractive prices, Apple’s iPhone 15 models do not offer a major innovation compared to their predecessors. The future of the series, which is at its peak in 2023, in the country does not seem bright at the moment.

iPhone is experiencing a major crisis in the Chinese market!

For a company like Apple, which is used to being desired and at the top, we can say that this failure is quite difficult to accept. It is said that CEO Tim Cook, who has recently increased his visits to the country, plans to organize campaigns of a magnitude that he has never done in other markets. We will see together whether Apple can reverse this negative situation, which is said to be effective in the political tension between America and China.

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Apple’s 2024 calendar leaked!

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So what do you think about this issue? What do you think Apple should do? You can easily share your answers with us in the comments section below. Your opinions are very valuable to us.

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