iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max delivery will be delayed

Due to the increase in coronavirus cases, some parts of China have entered the process of closing again. Apple made a statement about the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max delivery, which was disrupted due to the problem in China.

iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max delivery will be delayed due to coronavirus

The coronavirus epidemic, which emerged in 2020, continues to disrupt the supply process of technology companies. Having a supply problem, Apple has now reduced its production capacity due to the increasing coronavirus cases in China.

The company announced that production was restricted at the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max production facility in Zhengzhou, China. There are no production restrictions on the iPhone 14 and 14 Plus models.

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While the iPhone 14 and 14 Plus models are in stock on the Apple Turkey website, it is stated that the delivery time of the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max models will be between 4 and 5 weeks. Authorities underlined that they are in talks with the supplier company in order to increase the production capacity again.

The Chinese government has not yet announced when the coronavirus measures will be lifted. It is estimated that other brands produced in the city of Zhengzhou will also be adversely affected by this situation.

Apple is also heavily criticized for its pricing policies in European countries. It is estimated that opportunists will sell iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max models at high prices due to the increase in supply problems.

The statement on the company’s website is as follows:

COVID-19 restrictions have temporarily affected the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max assembly plant in Zhengzhou, China. The facility is currently operating at significantly reduced capacity. As we have done during the COVID-19 pandemic, we prioritize the health and safety of those working in our supply chain.
iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max models continue to be in high demand. However, we are now expecting lower iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max shipments than we previously expected, and our customers will have to wait longer to receive their new products.
We are in close contact with our supplier to return to normal production levels while ensuring the health and safety of every employee.

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