iOS 15.2.1 has been released! Here are the details

About 1 month after Apple released iOS 15.2 iOS 15.2.1 released version. As it will be remembered, iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 released in September, the second major update of iOS 15.2, support iPhone and iPad models. Digital Heritage, Communication Security for Messages, App Privacy Report features such as

The update released by the technology giant today focuses more on fixing errors detected on iPhones and iPads. Other than that, it does not bring any innovation. However, it would be useful to install the latest version in order to keep your phone up to date.

What does iOS 15.2 offer us? we examined

We continue to present you with different content on the Magic Apple YouTube channel. In this video, we explained the iOS 15.2 update.

What’s improved with iOS 15.2.1?

iOS 15.2.1 update released in the evening with Turkey time 19C63 build number came out with. The size of the update varies for each phone model. For example, while the iPhone 13 Pro Max is about 960 MB in size, it is 727 MB on the iPhone 8.

iOS 15.2.1 includes the following bug fixes for your iPhone:

  • Photos sent using iCloud Link not uploading in Messages
  • Third-party CarPlay apps not responding

If you are experiencing one of these two errors, be sure to install iOS 15.2.1. You can learn how to do the update by following the steps below.

How to update iOS and iPadOS?

  • Settings’Enter a.
  • General > Software Update open the part.

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