Invisibility shield is available for almost free! Here is the price and features

Have you ever dreamed of being invisible before? This is no longer a dream. A “personal invisibility shield” for consumers was offered for sale with an affordable price tag. Here are its features…

Invisibility Shield 2.0, produced by London-based Invisibility Shield Co. Mini, Full And megashield Available in sizes. As the name suggests, this product is a new and improved version of the company’s original Invisibility Shield.

Full size Shield 99 by 69cm while Megashield 183 by 122 cm in size. Mini, which hides things like “small items on the office desk” 30.5 by 20cm sizes. Assuming Invisibility Shield 2.0 goes into production, 68 dollars It is possible to have Mini models in return.

It's not a science fiction movie, it's reality: Invisibility cloak and star gates!

It’s not a science fiction movie, it’s reality: Invisibility cloak and star gates!

According to emerging reports, the US army conducted research involving invisibility cloaks and stargates! Here are the details..

Invisibility Shield, which the user stands behind made of high grade polycarbonate It consists of a curved page (panel). There are long, thin lenses placed side by side on the sheet, each extending from the top of the shield to its base.

When the user stands or crouches behind the device, the lenses distribute the light reflected from the user’s body across the entire front surface of the shield. Likewise, the light reflected from the user’s background is scattered across the entire front surface.

Because the user is much narrower than the background, the light from their body is lost in the light from the background. As a result, someone looking from the front of the shield sees only the scattered light of the background.

How much does the invisibility shield cost?

The shield works best if the user is wearing lightly colored clothing and the background has a fairly uniform appearance. The invisibility effect remains the same regardless of how far away the person looking at it is.

Invisibility ShieldAmong the uses of i, in a Korean dating program hiding contestants, remaining invisible while playing paintball, performing stage magic, hiding small items in the office desk for recreational purposes, and observing wildlife is available.

However, it should be noted that users cannot see their surroundings clearly from behind the shield and must look around the shield to see their surroundings. So what do you think about the invisibility shield? Don’t forget to write your opinions in the comments section below.

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