Investors Turning Bulls: Altcoins Activity Was Enough to Cause Excitement

Recent data showed that local rallies in altcoins last week were enough to ignite investors’ enthusiasm for the cryptocurrency market.

On-chain data analytics platform centiment 29 November on his official social media account. in his postHe noted that the double-digit positive returns seen in altcoins last week got investors excited about the return of the cryptocurrency market. Santiment, the feeling of enthusiasm metric to the highest level in the last 3 months. underlined the achievement.

The data this month is about the same as buying or bull market oriented rumors selling or bear market rumors on social media platforms. 1.5 times noted more. Enthusiasm feeling metric Reddit, Twitter and Telegram It is prepared based on the data on social media platforms, where people such as groups often express their opinions.

The environment of extreme insecurity in the crypto money market after the FTX bankruptcy seems to have left its place to a more stable environment as of this week. Especially the reports from data companies sees low prices as an opportunity revealed.

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Investors Are Turning Bullish: The article titled Altcoins Volatility Was Enough to Create Excitement was prepared by Hasan Küçük and published on

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