Investors Attention! –

Are we in crisis or is the economy running smoothly? The second option is too ambitious… In this case, we have “a” option…

What have we seen so far in the crisis? Foreign currency dry increased, inflation jumped up, our purchasing power decreased, we became poor… Well, is that all we will see and see?

Former your earnings it was all a dream. This situation is quite depressing… Nobody in Turkey should look for a new story for the markets before the next elections. Can’t find it! It looks like this will go on for another year. Early election it won’t be.

They think like this; If we make the Credit Guarantee Fund permanent, the money will necessarily shift to investment. Production increases with investment. It creates employment. The country recovers.

Great plan, but it won’t work! There is no money to lend in banks… Public banks have already exhausted their capital. Capital increase printing money means…

If you ask where all this comes from, my answer is; Heedy! America and Europe He bought bad loans and made monetary expansion and relieved the markets, why not with us?

“The Great Storm Is Coming" Gold and Dollar Predictions from 2 Economists!

Of course, timing is also important… All over the world inflation While the explosive retreats were beginning to be taken, the generally accepted economic theories By rewriting and challenging the world, it’s clear where this business will go…

Foreign Exchange and Gold Investment

What to do in this situation? Must try to stay above water…

Foreign currency Does it make sense to wait? It is out of the question for them to allow it to rise, as they have almost dollarized the entire country. Otherwise, not a penny will remain in the country’s treasury.

Minister Nabati has already given the good news that they will indirectly intervene in the questions on this subject, saying that “no country remains a spectator to these situations”. Now, this is a matter of survival for the country’s economy. At least for a while, unless there is a very interesting development on this front. earning should not be expected…

cryptocurrencies he killed the gold… bitcoin and about 10 thousand of his friends took the stage. There was a huge investment in gold. investment banks gold “Don’t expect him to go crazy this year,” he wrote in his reports.

In Turkey gold Since the main movement in prices provides the acceleration of the dollar, that front will not have a taste.

3 Analysts: Get Ready, These Levels Are Coming For The Price Of Gold!

Stock Exchange and Cryptocurrency Investment

What should the citizen do? Some close their eyes. to the stock market diving. He embarks on an adventure that will probably end in frustration for most.

Istanbul Stock Exchange one of the small stock markets when compared to the world… It is risky and easy to manipulate because it is small… If you put your finger in the tub, you will see the temperature of the water, but if you put it into the tea glass, you will overflow that finger, you will overflow the tea… That is the situation…

Inexperienced of investors It has no other choice but to become prey to speculators who are floundering in small stocks! Small with portfolios short cut corner individual investors they are big fish eating…

As for cryptocurrencies… It is no different from the stock market these days… NFTGameFi, Metaverse and DeFi Although new technologies such as these, which are thought to be in our lives more in the future, will give gas to the environment, money A limited number of projects are in portfolios that will create happiness when absorbed…

What was love? Love is a labor… If you love money, you will search it well. investment where you do it! He should know how to take a step back when the time comes… Live today, fight tomorrow the ideal of the work…

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