Investor Made $600 to $185 Thousand in Two Days with Experimental Cryptocurrency

A cryptocurrency investor earned approximately 185 thousand dollars thanks to one of the experimental projects on the market.

According to information provided by Blockchain analysis platform Lookonchain, the investor, DeFrogs thanks to within 2 days 183 thousand dollars made a profit.

Investor, 100 DEFROGS for buy 0.08 Ethereum ($190) spending and above-normal amounts for the transaction to take place. $423 worth of gas fees paid.

Later 60 DEFROGS for 27.8 Ethereum ($67k) The investor who sold it in return still has 40 DEFROGS. Their value at current price according to CoinMarketCap data 116 thousand dollars It does.

The DeFrogs project, consisting of 10 thousand pieces in total, is an experimental token standard on the Ethereum network. ERC-404 uses. This standard allows ERC-20 tokens to be easy to buy and sell feature of ERC-721 tokens its unique feature brings it together.

The first project to use this standard, From 10 thousand NFTs and 10 thousand tokens Pandora was formed.

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