Inventions That Make Our Lives Easier Every Second Even We Don’t Notice

Today, many systems that we are used to and even indispensable to us, were created thanks to an idea that came to the mind of a different person from the others. Inventions that make our lives easier sometimes open the door to a technological innovation, and sometimes they find a practical way to ensure that great efforts are not wasted.

In the century we live in, it is very difficult to follow new technological developments. However, what enabled developments to progress so rapidly today was a small invention made perhaps centuries ago. Inventions that make our life easier Most of the time, they were things that were not appreciated on the first day they were produced, but when we look at the past from today, we can see that they have radically changed our lives.

What are the inventions that make our life easier? There may be an answer to such a question that could be written on for pages, but in the creation of today’s technology, in the development of medical science and in saving human life, even in transportation. Inventions that make our lives easier We can see that it is. We have to thank the geniuses who, despite everything and everyone, defend their different opinions and create technological tools that make our lives easier even today.

Inventions that make our life easier:

  • Vaccine
  • pasteurization
  • modern car
  • paper banknote
  • Local anesthesia
  • Alternative current
  • Antibiotic
  • Phone
  • Computer
  • Internet


  • Inventor: Edward Jenner
  • Year: 1796

Edward Jenner not only found the vaccine to cure smallpox, studies on the human immune system laid the foundations of an important branch of immunology. After Jenner found the vaccine, many more studies were carried out in this area and it was found that the fatal effects of many diseases were eliminated thanks to the vaccine. Vaccines are the main reason for prolonging human lifespan today.


Louis Pasteur

  • Inventor: Louis Pasteur
  • Year: 1862

We owe the pasteurization method, one of the safest ways to store food and drink today, to Louis Pasteur. In this method, dairy products, canned foods, fruit juices, syrups, water and many other foods and beverages are first used. exposed to high heat, then rapidly cooled. With this method, the number of pathogens that can cause disease in humans is minimized.

modern car

karl benz

  • Inventor: Karl Benz
  • Year: 1886

When it comes to inventions that make our lives easier in today’s world, the first invention that comes to mind of many people, the automobile system, was found by Karl Benz. Benz and his wife patented the internal combustion engine system in 1886. Establishing the Mercedes Benz factory They laid the foundations of a legend. Henry Ford, who improved the production process and allowed cars to be sold at more affordable prices, took modern cars one step further.

paper banknote

paper banknote

  • Inventor: Unknown
  • Year: 7th century

The Chinese, who played an important role in the shaping of civilization by inventing the paper and printing press, found the paper banknote. development of the financial world they have provided. Its inventor is unknown, but it is known that paper banknotes were used for the first time in the 7th century Chinese Tang Dynasty. The importance of the banknote for the financial system; abolishing the barter system and laying the foundations of today’s shopping system.

Local anesthesia


  • Inventor: William Morton
  • Year: 1846

If you have had a minor medical operation and if you feel almost no pain you owe it to William Morton. The first open tumor surgery was performed at Boston Massachusetts General Hospital on October 16, 1846, where the patient was anesthetized using ether. This invention by William Morton was developed over the years and evolved into today’s types of pinpoint anesthesia.

Alternative current

nikola tesla

  • Inventor: Nikola Tesla
  • Year: 1891

Many of the technology products we use today and even more than we know. We owe it to Nikola Tesla and the alternating current he invented. Tesla’s patents included radio, radio, generator, transformer, transmission line, different motors and lighting systems. Even if his value was not known during his lifetime, a genius like Nikola Tesla needs to be restored today.


alexander flaming penicillin

  • Inventor: Alexander Flaming
  • Year: 1928

While working on the flu virus, Alexander Flaming saw that a ring of mold had developed and destroyed the bacteria around it. from here he created the miracle of penicillin. Maybe millions of lives have been saved with penicillin-based antibiotic drugs. Penicillin, which was discovered by chance, is used in many different drugs today. Penicillin-based antibiotics play a leading role in the treatment of almost all types of infections.


alexander grahambell

  • Inventor: Alexander Grahambell
  • Year: 1876

Even though it was first patented by Guiseppe Meucci in 1871, it actually represents the inventor of the telephone. We know as Alexander Grahambell. Thanks to the telegraph, the ways that were overcome with writing were overcome with voice, thanks to the telephone. With its step-by-step development, spread and expansion of usage areas, the phone, which has turned into small devices that fit in our pockets, has changed our lives irreversibly.


first computer

  • Inventor: John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry
  • Year: 1937

Although it is not like the computer in the sense we know, the basics of the computer for the first time in 1937, At Iowa State College, he was kicked out by John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry. This system, known as the first digital computer; revealed concepts such as binary arithmetic, regenerative memory, logic circuits. This system, which could never go to the production stage, created the ambition of today’s computers with the inspiration it gave.



It would not be wrong to say that the most important invention shaping today’s world is the internet. However It is not correct to say that the inventor of the internet is this, this is its history. because the internet system is an important system that has been signed by many different people in different countries, especially the United States of America, since the Cold War period.

Internet, the foundations of which were laid for the first time with Arpanet, www that is, it started to take the shape we know with the world wide web system. Finally, in the early 1990s, with the development of internet browsers that could display the internet system graphically, the internet as we know it today formed. What will be the next development step of the Internet is one of the most curious subjects.

Inventions that make our life easier Even if the inventions on our list did not make enough noise when they were invented, when we look at the past from today shaped the future We can see they are. Who knows, maybe how many scientists in the laboratory with their white coats are doing studies that will change our lives irreversibly.

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