Introducing the scary robot from Tesla! – ShiftDelete.Net

Teslaat the AI ​​day 2022 event Optimus project had introduced. The robot, which was still at the beginning of development, was only able to greet the audience on stage and was loaded into a vehicle as it exited the stage. If a video shared at Tesla’s 2023 investors meeting your robot It has shown that it has made significant progress since then.

Tesla Optimus has made significant progress in the past

The video that Tesla shared at the investors meeting is actually on the one hand. future of robots It also reveals a frightening truth about him. In the shared video, the number one robotic arm of Optimus was taken and another OptimusIt seems to extend to . We see Optimus number two building another robot.

The new video shared by the company reveals that a significant progress has been made compared to the promotion made last year. Tesla We see that the robot produced by A.Ş. can now walk independently, carry an object and use some basic tools. You can watch the aforementioned video from the 19th minute and 35th seconds above.

Tesla robots will cook, take care of the elderly!

Tesla robots will cook, take care of the elderly!

Elon Musk also shares his ideas about the application areas of humanoid robots developed by Tesla

Tesla CEOElon Musk claims that the artificial intelligence that powers his cars Optimusannounced that it will be used to run . Popular business person artificial intelligence He states that technology is the ability to solve problems and learn. In this way, robots can be trained to take on a variety of roles.

Apparently, Elon Musk, Optimus is quite hopeful of robots. On the other hand, the shared video reminds us of movies about robots taking over the world. as known robots taking over the world There are many movies on the subject. Tesla The fact that robots are producing by themselves in the video shared by us brings these scenes to our eyes.

Tesla, Optimus He thinks that the robots he calls can be used in almost every field in the future. So you Tesla Optimus and artificial intelligence technology What do you think about it? You can share your views with us in the comments section. You can watch the related video below.

We drove through Vegas with Tesla! Elon Musk received everyone’s prayers!

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