Institutional Money Is Parked In These Altcoin Projects!

The famous company Genesis analyzed the behavior of institutional investors. Genesis says that institutional investors are starting to migrate to a single altcoin sector. We have compiled the details for you, let’s examine the subject together…

Genesis: Institutional investors are starting to move into a single altcoin sector!

Genesis has released its new report. The company said the firm saw greater demand for its leading smart contract platform Ethereum (ETH) in the third quarter as its institutional clients engaged in decentralized finance projects.

According to Genesis, Ethereum accounted for 32% of the loan book in the third quarter, representing a 106% increase. Genesis adds that demand for the US dollar, as well as Ethereum, increased in the last quarter. Genesis said:

BTC, ETH and USD are now almost a third of our loan portfolio. This could mean that BTC-based opportunities are less attractive.

Genesis: Market interest in tier-1 projects increased in the third quarter!

Genesis also notes that market interest in tier-1 projects increased in the third quarter. Genesis said:

While tiers 1 compete on transaction speed and security, incentive programs catalyze the storm of cross-chain activity in favor of tier-1s including Solana (SOL), Terra (LUNA), AVAX and Fantom (FTM) in market share of ETH (Ethereum). led to a decrease.

As for Bitcoin, Genesis notes that the weight of BTC in the firm’s overall portfolio fell in Q3.

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