Institutional Investment Wave Is Coming For These 5 Altcoins!

Altcoin season is in full swing: tech companies’ cryptocurrencies are breaking price records and skyrocketing to highs within hours. Over the past week, DOT (Polkadot) and 1INCH tokens have reached their historic maximum, along with the SAND gaming token. The market is poised for a new wave of institutional and retail investment that will support altcoin companies in the GameFi, FinTech and data protection sectors. We gathered the most promising tokens that could turn the market around in the next 12 months.

First altcoin Axie Infinity

The token of the popular altcoin Axie Infinity blockchain game has been attracting users for a long time. Based on the Pokemon cartoon anime, the Play-2-Earn style game has already connected an army of players from all over the world, and the local AXC token is setting new price records. Earlier in November, the coin traded around $142 but bounced back within the next 24 hours. However, experts are confident that the heyday of the GameFi segment will be in 2022, and the AXC token could return to $145 and above in the next few months. Therefore, investors should now stock up on tokens of gaming projects.

This is another token from the world of the GameFi segment that could be a real breakthrough of the year. Holding True Group (a major iGaming developer) has dedicated TFL to a separate domain. As part of this, Play-2-Earn events and the NFT market will be launched. The team is also working on its own game metaverse and crypto wallet for the gaming industry. The company has a great deal of experience in iGaming, as confirmed by many awards in the gaming industry. The updated site with new tokens will be launched in November this year. For this reason, investors and users are following TFL news and waiting for the official announcement. Just on expectations, the token cost has increased severalfold in less than a month.

celo another altcoin

A promising and fairly well-known project offers simple and affordable solutions for smartphone owners to use cryptocurrency. The ecosystem functionality uses phone numbers as public keys, making crypto payments instant and unhindered. Users will even be able to transfer cryptocurrencies from wallet to wallet using their smartphones. The native CELO token, tailored to the PoS algorithm, is used as an internal payment to pay transaction fees and platform services. Also, the company plans to issue several viable stablecoins. According to the developers, the Celo ecosystem will be especially important in countries with an underdeveloped banking system. Residents of such countries will use CELO as a means of payment for international transactions and earn coins from staking.


Avalanche is one of the most promising projects in blockchain technologies. Altcoin has a token that tries to solve the problem of network scalability and lower gas payments. The company has already developed three blockchains to exchange AVAX tokens for other cryptocurrencies with virtually no commission. The company plans to develop and implement algorithms that will infinitely scale its existing blockchains in the future. As for the AVAX token, it is primarily used as a means of payment within the platform to pay commissions and fees. Due to the ambitious plans of the company, investors are buying large amounts of tokens, considering the price to increase rapidly. If Avalanche can fulfill all the plans, the value of the coin will increase severalfold over the next year.

Our last altcoin SAND

Among the five most promising tokens is the SAND token issued by the Sandbox company. The SAND token is used as a means of payment in the metadatabase of the same name, where users can buy land, build houses, open their own virtual stores, schools, and receive real cryptocurrency. In the last days of October and early November, the value of the SAND token increased by 10%. The likely reason for the growth was Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement that he had rebranded Facebook and renamed it Meta, implying creating a new metaverse. Experts predict that the metaverse will become popular next year, so the token has a good chance for a price increase.

The next year 2022 will be a period of rapid development of the GameFi industry and will be marked by the creation of many metaverses that will gradually integrate into the real world. Such project tokens will quickly gain value and bring good incomes to their holders. As such, many investors are currently buying GameFi project coins in anticipation of explosive growth.

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