Instagram Stories May Have Voice Reply Feature

Alessandro Paluzzi, known for his shares about mobile applications, shared that a new feature may come to Instagram stories. According to Paluzzi’s post, the popular platform is working on a feature that allows to reply to stories via voicemail.

Social media platforms, where billions of people spend most of their day in the world, continue to spread rapidly. As such, these channels constantly offer new features to improve user experiences. Popular photo and sharing app Instagram is one of these platforms.

We shared with you that Instagram has brought many new features to the platform recently, and that it is also working on many new features. These included things like 3D ads, long-awaited chronological ordering of posts, and NFTs. Meta-linked platform to their stories also started to bring new features and in this context, it introduced the ‘like story’ feature. Now, it has emerged that a new feature can be added to the stories.

It may be possible to respond to stories by voice

Instagram, which plans to improve the stories that are very popular among users, is considering adding a new one to the moves in this regard. Known for his posts about mobile apps To Alessandro Paluzzi giant platform, responding to stories aloud Working on a feature that allows

When we look at the screenshot that Paluzzi shared on Twitter, there is a message before the ‘GIF’ icon next to the ‘Send Message’ box under the reaction to the stories section. microphone appears to be a sign. This shows that the feature of replying to the story by voice message can be used by clicking here.


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It should be noted that for now, there is no official statement about this feature. The giant platform offers every feature it performs such experiments to the users. may not offer. However, it is possible to say that adding the voicemail feature, which is already present in the messages, to the reply part of the story, can make the work of people who want to use it much easier.

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