Instagram Stories are on the agenda with an infuriating problem!

Instagram has been adding and removing features at a rate like never before. In the near future interface update The platform, which will reveal larger changes such as, is frustrated with a problem. It has been noticed by some Instagram users that Instagram is having an issue with Stories. You may also suffer from this problem.

With the posting of the question on Reddit, the support for the post grew and the existence of the problem worsening the experience in the stories was confirmed. No word yet on the issue from Instagram. although no explanation Definitely needs to be resolved soon.

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Instagram Stories shows watched stories over and over

The complaints that have piled up about Instagram over the past few days have a common explanation. Users say they see the stories they watch over and over again. It is unknown whether this annoying situation is a bug or a deliberate manipulation to spend more time on the platform. But this is a it’s a social experiment There are even users who think:

There are those who say that this annoying situation started with the last update to Instagram. If you want to avoid this problem, you can choose to wait for a while for the incoming update. If you’ve already started experiencing the problem, you might have a chance to downgrade Android. However, it seems that there is nothing iOS users can do other than wait for now.

Instagram plans to remove the Stories tab soon and include content on its Feed page. This change is in a small segment of users. already happened though most of the users are still pending. In the coming weeks, we may encounter a different Instagram interface. We hope that when this change happens, a more error-free experience will be offered.

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