In Gold Investment, Whoever Makes This Wins!

Gold and Money Markets Specialist Islam Memiş, who correctly predicted the market collapse in the last weeks of 2021, came up with his new views. The expert pointed out that the expectation for a decrease continues, and revealed that a basket should be made while investing. At this point, he drew attention to gold, silver, TL and foreign currency assets. We convey the details as…

Gold and Money Markets Expert conveyed his latest comments

Islam Memiş stated that he has drawn attention to the CBRT’s interest rate decision since January and the Fed meeting held on 26 January. He stated that there will be no change in interest rate decisions in this process and therefore, panic buying and selling should not be done. Underlining that manipulative news on social media should not be given importance, İslam Memiş said that he expected a decrease in the exchange rate in February.

On the other hand, Memiş said that it was already known that the US Federal Reserve (FED) would not increase interest rates and that this was not a surprise, and pointed to the interest rate hike process in March. However, he stated that one should be cautious about those who say “the dollar will fly”. He states that he continues to predict a decline in the dollar. However, he points out that the said decrease will not be critical because price movements will be insignificant as long as there are assets such as foreign currency, gold, silver and TL in our basket.

Stating that they make a basket with these assets and evaluate the price movement during the declines experienced for a month, the expert name said that the purpose behind this basket is to prevent any investor in Turkey from waiting for months depending on a single instrument, to prevent panic buying and panic selling when an investor buys foreign currency for months and rises for months. pass,” he explains. According to İslam Memiş, who states that the basket maker is lucky, “The basket maker gains a peaceful sleep, a comfortable breath, and a good investor habit.”

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