Important Web3.0 Step From Opera, Partnership With Ethereum Rival Altcoin Has Been Established!

The slogan ‘less trust, more truth’ is becoming a rallying cry in the struggle to protect personal freedom online. Web 3.0 (also known as the decentralized internet based on true peer-to-peer interaction) is an important step that represents this glimmer of hope. Web 3.0 it will also enable individuals to take back control from the current generation internet giants.

Opera vs. Brave!

Brave has been the undisputed king of crypto browsers for a while, despite the hurdles. The browser is powered by its own blockchain, where the BAT token serves as the foundation for the entire ecosystem. Now, who wants to stay ahead in this war Operaannounced an important partnership.

The team published an official blog post to highlight the collaboration, noting:

“Opera, the world’s first browser with Web3 support and a built-in crypto wallet, joins forces with Solana Labs to integrate blockchain and support Solana dApps in Q1 2022.”

The integration will allow Opera Android users to enjoy seamless access to Solana dApps. At the same time, they will enjoy low fees and fast transactions within the ecosystem.”

Opera’s interest in Solana is not surprising. It has been providing Web3 support and a built-in crypto wallet in both mobile and desktop browsers since 2018. This is in line with the vision set. The blog will work with the goal of “removing barriers to the use of web3 and crypto to make it more attractive and usable by a wider audience.”

As such, the aforementioned partnership removes the first hurdle by making accessing Web3 a seamless experience available directly in the browser.

Left (LEFT) Austin Federa, chief communications officer, reiterated the importance of the development.

“This integration will give tens of millions of new users more options for how to connect to Solana and will work to keep the open web dream alive and well. The mobile web3 revolution has just begun, and Opera is helping to lead.”

Opera browser is also supported in wallet; It supports Ethereum, Bitcoin, TRON, Celo as well as Web3. It also proves the pro-crypto narrative of the developers behind the Opera browser.

Why Solana (LEFT)?

Solana is a network with lightning-fast accuracy and ultra-low transaction fees of $0.0025. It also has a growing dApp ecosystem that includes Serum, Raydium, Metaplex, Orca, Audius and more.

Susie Batt, Lead Crypto Ecosystem at Opera, said:

“Solana has a goal of engaging one billion people in crypto. This is a goal we share. No other browser company has been at the forefront of Web3 as early as Opera. We are excited to collaborate going forward.”

In addition, he put forward a vote of confidence in Solana’s favor in another project.

Previously, Crowny, an app that rewards shoppers for various interactions with brands, has showcased the same support. This shed some light on why some prefer Solana over Ethereum.

Disclaimer: What is written here is not investment advice. Cryptocurrency investments are high-risk investments. Every investment decision is under the individual’s own responsibility. Finally, Koinfinans and the author of this content cannot be held responsible for personal investment decisions.

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