Important NFT Attack from Ankara University: “Introduction to NFT is Coming!”

Ankara university recently hosted a very important development for the crypto world. The university has announced that it will open a course for non-changeable tokens (NFT), the related course will also be an “Introduction to NFT” course.

The first promotional event of the course, which was opened in the 2021/2022 Spring semester, was held at the Presidential National Library. Ankara University Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Ünüvar stated that as Ankara University, they are extremely pleased to lead in such an issue and that they have signed a protocol with the Presidency’s Digital Transformation Office for developments in this regard, and that they are also working closely with the Ministry of Culture. Commenting on the structure of the course, Ünüvar added that the course will have very different steps, both theoretical and practical.

We are also waiting for the NFT Exhibition from the students!

NFT lessonÖzgül Özkan Yavuz, Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism, stated that Turkey will contribute to the development of art and artists, and said, “Art creates great economic added value in the world, in addition to the expression of feelings and thoughts. We expect students who take this course to prepare an exhibition of the NFTs they produced in the course at the end of the semester.”

Emphasizing that NFT will have an important place in the structuring of the future, President of the Presidency Digital Transformation Office Ali Taha Koç stated that the students will decide whether the blockchain technology is a revolution or not. Underlining that limiting blockchain technology only to cryptocurrencies is an insult to technology, Koç added that when it evolves into art and data, we encounter a technology like NFT.

Chairman Koç announced that while he was on stage, a photo was taken by his friends and this photo was converted to NFT and the first NFT of this course was given as a gift.

Turkish Name Suggestion for NFT

The Digital Transformation Office, which is also looking for a Turkish name suggestion for NFT, stated that many studies have been carried out on NFT, digital identity and smart contracts. The President also added that students will have an important share in finding an alternative Turkish name for NFT, and that the name decided in the course will be officially announced.

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