Important Metaverse Statements from the Presidential Official!

Ali Taha Koç, Head of the Presidency’s Digital Transformation Office, conveyed his comments on the metaverse, one of the most popular topics of recent times, at the 3rd Sector Summit of the Turkish Cyber ​​Security Cluster. We convey the details as…

Ali Taha Koç: We have our own metaverse realm

President of the Presidency Digital Transformation Office, Ali Taha Koç, made statements after a question about the metaverse was received during a summit. Koç said, “New technologies will emerge in the world. It may be luck to be the first to enter new technologies, but it is much more logical to watch”, he said, adding that they think it is more appropriate to wait for the technologies to stabilize by watching, rather than being the first to experience them. On the other hand, he stated that they were testing the metaverse and coins, but the reason behind this was to dominate the event in case of any manipulation, with the following statements:

We have set up test environments, we have our own metaverse, coin realm. We use them for the development of our engineers and for us to be in control when we write legislation. We have to be careful as it is very open to manipulation.

In brief: The evolution of the metaverse and cryptos focused on the metaverse

The Metaverse, which now seems like a world-changing phenomenon, was just an idea in the past. We can say that many things have contributed to the metaverse, starting with the invention of the “Internet” and the “World Wide Web”, which form the basis of the metaverse. Neal Stephenson came up with the idea for Metaverse with a book in 1992. Then, Philip Rosedale and his team created the first online virtual platform called “Second Life” in 2003… The latest and most important events for Metaverse development are Microsoft’s launch of a Metaverse focused platform called “Mesh” and Mark Zuckerberg’s in’s promise to develop the Metaverse as the future of the Internet.

Broadly speaking, the metaverse refers to the change in the way we interact with technology and the evolution of 3D virtual environments. As our readers know, the development of the metaverse has also contributed to the cryptocurrency industry, and many coins focused on this area have experienced an increase. Metaverse coins are gaining momentum, although they are currently seen in red with the pullback in the market. Metaverse-focused tokens are the currency used by people within the metaverse.

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