Important DOGE, SHIB, Altcoin and Turkey Comment from AVAX CEO!

Emin Gün Sirer, founder, CEO of Ava Labs and Lecturer at Cornell University, made comments on the world of Bitcoin and altcoins. The founder of Ava Labs, behind the popular altcoin AVAX, talked about cryptocurrency regulations in Turkey, meme coins like Dogecoin (DOGE) and much more. We are giving the details as…

Emin Gün Sirer’s Turkey, DOGE and altcoin evaluations

Speaking to columnist Sefer Levent, Emin Gün Sirer made positive comments about the cryptocurrency regulations in Turkey. According to Sirer, the opportunity for Turkey is huge. Because crypto money technology is quite new and this infrastructure is not yet fully settled on a global scale. For this reason, he thinks that the countries that will establish the infrastructure the fastest will be able to develop and Turkey will be one of them. Pointing out that financially developed countries such as Singapore, Switzerland and England have not yet taken the necessary steps in this area, Sirer says that if Turkey acts quickly, it can surpass such countries.

Speaking about altcoin investments, Sirer thinks that when investing, research should be done well, professionals should not be consulted, and influencers should not be trusted. Using the phrases, “Don’t invest money on something that you have heard from someone else and don’t know what it is, don’t understand,” the CEO says, “don’t be fooled by some celebrities,” and talks about similar ones like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. Regarding Dogecoin, he uses the following statements:

Don’t be fooled by some celebrities. For example, do not buy Dogecoin or similar that do not have a story of ‘Elon Musk is buying’. The money you get should include new technology. It should not be a copy of the previous coin. The team behind it must be permanent. It must be a visionary group. For example, there is no one behind Dogecoin, it has no story, it has no usage area, it has no place to go. Wait for Musk to tweet.

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