Important Claim About Bulgaria From Kraken: “He Has 10 Billion Dollars In Bitcoin!”

Kraken cryptocurrency exchange Bulgaria’s $10 billion bitcoinHe announced that he had In fact, Kraken’s claims date back to 5 years ago.

In 2017, an operation in the field of cybercrime was organized with the support of the international investigation organization SELEC. Information about the operation was later published on the organization’s official website, and it was stated that there may be Bitcoin wallets with a total value of 213,519 BTC in cyberspace during the operation.

However, this statement was later removed from SELEC’s official website and it was claimed that the specified amount was not correct. However, the current balance was listed on many sites that were popular at the time.

Ivan Geshev, who also served as the head of the expert court in the same year, stated that the investigation of the cyber attack against the Bulgarian customs did not result in the seizure of billions of cryptocurrencies. Stating that the crypto money, which is the subject of the crime, is worth between 20 and 25,000 euros, Geshev added that Bitcoin trading is not a criminal element.

As for the latest development on the subject, Kraken hit the stock market. Kraken, despite information previously denied by Ivan Geshev BulgariaIt revealed that .

Which Five Countries Hold the Most Bitcoin?

The report in question includes a table of the five countries with the largest number of Bitcoins. Accordingly, Bulgaria today ranks 1st in the list with exactly 213,519 Bitcoins, which corresponds to almost 10 billion dollars and represents more than 1% of the entire Bitcoin supply.

Amount of Bitcoin in the Hands of Countries According to Kraken Data

Considering that the authenticity of the said information is still being debated, the Bulgarian Interior Ministry’s refusal to provide information on the subject significantly increases the truthfulness of the news in question. However, it is expected that the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Finance will have the last word.

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