Important Announcements From These 10 DeFi Altcoin Projects!

The DeFi altcoin market is one of the most sought after aspects of the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. Therefore, We’ve also compiled some of the best DeFi updates from the past week to keep our readers updated on the latest news in the DeFi space.

Here are the DeFi altcoin news of the week that you should not miss

The rapidly rising NFT platform tofuNFT has announced its partnership with Astarbots. As a result, AstarBots’ 8,800-pixel bot collection will be available on tofuNFT. Also, tofuNFT was formerly known as SCV Finance, the largest NFT marketplace on Binance Chain.

DeFi platform Horizon Protocol has recently integrated the Chainlink “price feed” data feed. As such, the Chainlink data feed will provide Horizon access to reliable and accurate asset prices. Also, the integration took place on the popular Blockchain Binance Chain (BSC).

As it strategically partners with Arbitrum, crypto invoicing and payroll made easy on Request Finance. According to the announcement, Arbitrum will now facilitate faster and cheaper invoicing and payroll in Request Finance.

Celer Network has recently entered into a strategic partnership with Clover Finance. The partnership will help facilitate the launch of a multi-chain asset bridge between Clover’s proposed EVM Blockchain and other layer 2 blockchains.

Decentralized NFT platform Solv Protocol has partnered with lending and leverage trading protocol OpenLeverage. The bounty event, which started on February 22, is scheduled to end on March 1, 2022.

Popular South Korean exchange Coinone has added support for the LABEL Foundation’s cryptocurrency LBL. Therefore, the current trading pair will be LBL/KRW. Also, the official listing took place on February 24, 2022.

Avalanche-based AMM platform Platypus Finance adds Echidna, Vector and Yield Yak to its whitelist. Therefore, according to the announcement, these additions were only possible after in-depth examination of their code and audit reports submitted.

The cryptocurrency market is gearing up to welcome the first EVM-compatible ZK rollup. Therefore, the aggregation recently launched the testnet on the popular public blockchain Ethereum.

Solana-based metaverse finance protocol Larix is ​​backed by Chainlink and its trusted price feeds. As a result, according to the announcement, Larrix will use the Chainlink price feed data feed to secure lending and borrowing activities on Solana.

Finally, the Avalanche-based AMM protocol Platypus has added support for the native USDT pool. As a result, the pool comes with exciting APYs that offer their users the opportunity to print USDT from Bitfinex to Avalanche.

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