IBM to Replace Thousands of Positions with Artificial Intelligence

IBM has announced that hiring for thousands of positions will be halted. It is planned to replace 7800, which corresponds to 30% of these positions, with artificial intelligence.

It has been on the agenda for a while that rapidly developing artificial intelligence can replace the work done by humans in the future. A report recently published by Bloomberg is one of the world’s largest information technology companies. IBM’s revealed that he plans to make moves in this regard.

According to the report, the company’s CEO, Arvind Krishna, stated that hiring for thousands of positions could be stopped. The company thinks that around 7800 positions could be filled with artificial intelligence in the near future.

IBM CEO thinks these positions will be replaced by artificial intelligence in 5 years

Krishna, such as human resources He stated that hiring in departments will be suspended or slowed down. This is around 26,000 unrelated to the customer demonstrated that the employee could be affected.

In the continuation of his statement, the CEO used the following statements about artificial intelligence replacing humans:Within a five-year period this 30% of positions are replaced by artificial intelligence and automation I can see.” Krishna added that he believes certain positions will be fully automated, adding that he does not expect some human resources areas, such as evaluating workforce and productivity, to change in the next 10 years.


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On the other hand, IBM added that it will continue to recruit in software development and client-related positions. The company, which has a total of 260 thousand employees, increased approximately in the first quarter. 7000 new hired the employee.

It is estimated that artificial intelligence could replace millions of jobs in the near future.

IBM’s plan came amid concerns that generative AI models like ChatGPT could replace humans. In recent months, the US-based investment bank Goldman Sachs has 300 million jobs He had guessed he could do it with automation. This revealed that the number of people in many positions could be reduced or replaced with artificial intelligence models.

However, artificial intelligence began to be scapegoated to drive people out. Popular storage DropBox announced last week that it wants to be “at the forefront of the artificial intelligence era”. He fired 500 of his employees.. DropBox CEO Drew Houston said these layoffs would enable them to establish a new AI division at the company.


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