I Buy Gold and These Coins!

Robert Kiyosaki, author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” worries that working-class Americans will be wiped out by rising inflation unless they invest in a few key assets. In a YouTube video, the author says that true capitalism has been abandoned and instead the government intervenes on behalf of the banks. It also offers various advice to investors, especially gold.

Kiyosaki: I buy gold, silver, Bitcoin, ETH

Robert Kiyosaki first touches upon central banks and capitalism. The famous name, who says that the US Federal Reserve (FED) has really rescued bankers “since 1907”, says that “the banks are corrupt and the reason the Fed came is to protect the rich bankers”. Kiyosaki warns that unlimited printing of money as part of official government policy will destroy the working class. “People who complain about inflation, let them know because the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Treasury… are as corrupt as they come,” he says.

The author tells his 1.8 million followers on Twitter that the recent 25 percent price increase at discount retail chain Dollar General is a major event that signals that investors should protect themselves by buying some cryptos like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), as well as gold and silver. . Kiyosaki uses the following expressions:

Dollar Tree became 1.25 Dollar Tree. Inflation is a tax on the poor and middle class. Inflation makes the rich richer. Be smart. Become richer. I buy more gold, silver, Bitcoin, Ethereum, rental property and oil. What are you buying?

Kiyosaki warned investors before

CNN Business reported this week that Dollar Tree, which sells everything at $1, cites rising inflation and the ongoing supply chain crisis as reasons it plans to permanently abandon the long-standing $1 price point on all products. cryptocoin.com As we previously reported, Kiyosaki also issued a warning in September that a major stock market crash is about to happen in October of this year.

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