Hundreds of Millions Deleted from These 11 Altcoin Projects in a Single Day!

In the bitcoin and altcoin market, over a billion dollars have been liquidated within 24 hours as Bitcoin (BTC) has been trading below $40,000 over the past day. We are giving the details as…

Sharp liquidations took place in the Bitcoin and altcoin market

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are known as high-risk investments that are prone to extreme price fluctuations. But while this volatility makes them a concern for regulators, it also offers investors the opportunity to make substantial profits, especially when compared to traditional asset classes like stocks and commodities.

However, sometimes the opposite can happen. Traders who open long positions by betting that cryptocurrencies will rise are faced with liquidation as they face sharp price drops. The list below, shared by Watcher Guru, includes the largest purges that have taken place in the past 24 hours. The largest cryptocurrency Bitcoin is in the first place, while the leading altcoin Ethereum is in the second place.

  • Bitcoin (BTC): 380 million dollars
  • Ethereum (ETH): $273 million
  • Left (LEFT): 33.5 million dollars
  • Polkadot (DOT): $20.55 million
  • XRP: 15 million dollars
  • Cardano (ADA): $16.63 million
  • Terra (Luna): 19.27 million dollars
  • Binance Coin (BNB): $19.26 million
  • Dogecoin (DOGE): $14.89 million
  • Polygon (MATIC): $8.89 million
  • The Sandbox (SAND): 8.09 million dollars
  • Decentraland (MANA): 6 million dollars

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