Humboldt Squid More Dangerous Than Sharks

Put on your wetsuit; We embark on a journey into the mysterious world of Humboldt squids, which are fascinating, huge, intelligent, greedy and yet frightening.

Humboldt squid, one of the mysterious inhabitants of the seas, is not just a carnivorous sea creature, but also a sea creature. water-going missiles. The features that make them interesting are not just physical.

We will go into details shortly, “jumbo squid” You will be amazed when you learn about the intelligence and social behavior of the Humboldt squid, also known as the Humboldt squid. So let’s start.

The Humboldt squid is much more than a greedy carnivore…

Humboldt squids can reach up to 2.5 meters in length and weigh up to 50 kilos. Like other cephalopods, it a very well developed nervous system exist and exhibit social behaviors such as communication and cooperative hunting not seen in other invertebrate species in the wild.

Humboldr squids travel in flocks of nearly 1,500 individuals. changing their skin and color They even communicate with each other through visual cues. They can even flash bright red when angry! The transition speed of these changes, which can reach up to 28 colors, occurs faster than the human eye can see.

It’s like missiles that go on water!

These creatures, which can reach speeds of 24,140 km per hour and are incredibly agile, can protect themselves against many marine predators. What makes them really dangerous is their intelligence and weapons…

With 8 arms and 2 tentacles The mouths of these animals are stronger than even the jaws of hyenas. They can also easily cut and tear the flesh of their victims with their tiny, razor-sharp teeth inside their arms.

Their prey is generally small fish species, crabs, lobsters, shrimps, plankton, small sharks and forms cephalopods with other squids.

These creatures, which have many interesting features, have a very short lifespan.

humboldt squid

In addition to being extremely curious and inquisitive animals, when they encounter divers they friendly and curious They take an approach. Of course, there are examples of divers tearing their clothes with their hooks when they sense danger…

The lifespan of these strong and intelligent marine invertebrates is only 1-2 years. They can reproduce more than a dozen times during their short lives. Humboldt squids, which reproduce through internal fertilization, can lay more than 20 million eggs!

So where do these enthusiasts live?

interesting sea creature

Humboldt squids normally live in relatively warm waters from the tip of South America to the central coast of California. Living spaces have expanded considerably and they reached as far as Alaska.

The fact that animals that once did not approach the waters in these regions are now going there, a change in ocean conditions This suggests that it might be possible because Humboldt squid are extremely skilled predators.

of the ocean At depths of 200-700 meters Because they live, we do not yet have enough research and information on these mysterious sea creatures. If you would like to learn about other creatures like this, you can express your opinion in the comments!

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