How Wizardia Players Can Benefit From NFT Economy

As NFT and the Metaverse playground continue to create leaps and bounds in 2022, we are slowly witnessing the evolution of the playground – not just in terms of story, character and gameplay, but also the underlying economies that underpin the financials. An example of this is the Wizardia project.

What does Wizardia offer players?

Wizardia is an upcoming play-to-win Metaverse where players take on the role of unique wizards represented by NFTs and battle each other to gain valuable resources and level up NFT avatars. Wizardia is built on the Solana (SOL) Blockchain, a low-cost proof-of-stake (PoS) network that has become one of the most popular destinations for developers to build dApps in 2021. While Wizardia gives players the chance to increase the value of their NFTs through standard gameplay, another aspect of the game’s NFT-based economy has gained attention in recent weeks, with the way it generates royalty over time.

Qualify for the duration of the game

Composed of two NFT economies, Wizardia’s in-game Wizard NFTs are accompanied by Arena Genesis NFTs – tokens that give their holders exclusive rights to earn royalties from all future battles and transactions that take place in the game’s Battle Arena.

In essence, this means that early investors can purchase Arena Genesis NFTs and sit back and collect ever-increasing royalties as more and more players enter the game world and participate in Arena battles. Specifically, Arena Genesis NFT owners don’t even need to join the game, instead NFTs are deposited on the platform and their owners will receive rewards in the form of coins.

This investment is an investment that promises to pay back for the lifetime of the game. Much like profits from the successful operations of a particular company, Arena Genesis NFT holders will accrue royalties on in-game transactions as time goes on. A quick look at Wizardia’s revenue project calculator reveals potential royalties for investors entering the first round of the Arena Genesis NFT private sale – assuming a player base of no less than 100 percent return on investment (return on investment) of 30,000 per month. Please note that this is only an estimate based on many variables such as the number of game users per day, the number of daily fights or the Wizardia token price, and no royalties are 100 percent guaranteed.

It’s not just the early birds that will reap the returns

The potential royalties to be earned from Arena Genesis NFTs fluctuate according to the increasing price of the tokens as Wizardia progresses through each subsequent round of its public sale – there are seven of them. The difference in the cost of NFTs between the first round of the private sale and the seventh round is quite significant – going from $125 to $445 per token.

However, while the incentive to take part in the first rounds of the sale is clear, the way Wizardia’s copyright is created also gives end-stage investors a chance to win some serious prizes. This is because the value generated from Arena Genesis NFTs naturally increases as more and more players enter the gaming world. Additionally, some of the royalties from all subsequent sales rounds will go to early stage investors, meaning they will start earning royalties before a war is fought in the game.

This new approach to NFT revenue is based on the copyright structure of popular NFT platforms such as OpenSea, where royalties are earned every time an NFT is sold. With Wizardia’s Genesis NFTs, tokens do not need to be sold to obtain perpetual royalties, but instead act as early royalties in the ongoing progress of the project. Moreover, the possibility of actually selling an NFT on OpenSea, where the market is already approaching saturation point, is never fully guaranteed.

The first phase of Wizardia’s Arena Genesis NFT public sale will take place in early February, and the next phases of the sale will take place in early 2022. The battle arena game mode of the game is scheduled to be released at the end of the 2nd quarter. This year, Genesis NFT owners will be able to start earning passive income from in-game battles very soon.

Wizardia is giving away $10,000 worth of rewards to its community. Community members participating in the Airdrop will receive 10,000 USDT, divided into 90 randomly selected lucky winners, all distributed on the Binance Smart Chain. Airdrop ends on February 7th. Register now to enter the free giveaway.

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