How Was Tchibo Established? – Webtekno

Coffee gourmets, gather around! Tchibo’s adventure, which once started with just coffee seeds, has today birthed a brand that is the symbol of freshness and quality.

Tchibo’s story, started with a coffee spoon, but where it took you; It turned into a magnificent journey of taste and discovery.

This story begins in GermanyHow did it make itself known all over the world?

Tchibo is one of the brands that come to mind when it comes to coffee.

During the period when it emerged, II. The devastating effects of World War II were felt. Hyperinflation and difficulty access While problems such as these increased the prices of many foodstuffs, the coffee market also had its share.

Especially in Germany, Coffee consumption was considered a luxurious indulgence. Due to the effects of the war, this pleasure became unattainable for many people.

Even in these difficult conditions, Max Herz strived to find an innovative solution.

max herx

by Herz, Tchibo, founded in Hamburg in 1949has become the indispensable choice of coffee lovers. Tchibo’s origins lie not only in the coffee trade; It is also full of entrepreneurial spirit. How Does?

Inspired by the idea of ​​sending coffee to customers by mail Max HerzWith this initiative, which he started in Hamburg, he achieved great success in a short time. Aiming for much more than traditional coffee retailing, Herz decided to transform his company into an international brand.

Max’s business partner, Tchiling, had a great influence on finding the name of the brand.

tchibo organization

His own name and in German “bohne” meaning “bean” By combining the words “Tchibo” they obtained the name “Tchibo”. This name reflected the company’s character and coffee-focused mission.

This determination Tchibo’s success today formed the basis. Initially, the company operated only by selling coffee; Over time, it expanded its product range and began to offer more options to its customers.

The institutionalization process was an important turning point for the growth of the business.


Herz started to open coffee shops by establishing his own facilities. However, he was also aware of the competition, Johann Jacobs There was a well-known rival like. However, Herz developed creative and effective strategies to market his products.

It gained an important place in the coffee market, especially by launching the Gold Mocca brand. Gold Moccaattracted attention with its variety and quality, and this coffee, offered in glass jars instead of tin cans, won the appreciation of customers.

Not only that, it expanded its product range.


Every week with renewed themes The brand, which constantly manages to surprise its customers, has managed to attract attention with its innovative and extraordinary products. By 1965 it had more than 400 branches.

Of course, not only product diversity but also the expansion of distribution channels played a major role in Tchibo’s growth. Today, it is one of Germany’s largest consumer goods and retail companies. Tchibo’s storesis found everywhere.

The brand has also won many awards for its environmentally friendly practices.

With its sustainable business policy and determination to protect the future of coffee, the environment and workers’ rights, Tchibo; More than just a coffee brand began to represent.

Today the pioneer coffee brands It continues to make its name known for years by coming to the fore.

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