How to Tell if You’re in Love, According to Science

It is not easy to give a single answer to questions such as what love is and how it feels, because you can guess that this individual experience can mean something completely different for everyone. However, according to science, love actually has a formula, and it is possible to evaluate and understand this formula whether you are in love or not.

Love is not something that can be expressed with a single definition or certain rules and has limits. A lot of people actually say they’re in love. none of them may feel exactly the same and there aren’t many ways to determine that either.

According to many behavioral scientists and psychologists, there is no single and simple way to understand what love is or whether we are in love. But they all point to the same place to answer these questions; brain.

Three types of ‘love’ come together to form ‘romantic love’ as we know it:

at the University of Missouri Behavioral neuroscientist Dr. According to Sandra Langeslag Scientists agree that there are many types of love, and they all look primarily to the brain to understand what’s going on. Although it is accepted that environmental influences and conditions play a role and have the power to change the situation, the work always ends in the brain.

Scientists often view love within the framework put forward by biological anthropologist Dr. Helen Fisher. Accordingly, true romantic love, three different types of ‘love’ come together to form. When all three are felt at the same time, one falls in love.

Lust, happiness and attachment:

According to scientists, the first of the building blocks that make up love is what we feel towards the person in front of us. sexual attraction. Lust, which is directly associated with our estrogen and testosterone hormones, causes us to find the other person attractive. In the second stage, a ‘domain’ that releases dopamine and noradrenaline into our body.happiness‘ is happening.

While we may feel better with the release of these ‘feel-good chemicals’, scientists also make this point. decreases in the amount of serotonin states that it happened. Low serotonin can make us feel insecure and pessimistic.

In the third stage ‘connect’ the feeling is coming. According to scientists, this point is the part where we feel safe and comfortable, and it is among the other two intense feelings for true love.

So how do we know we’re in love?

How does love affect the brain?


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In fact, if there is someone who makes you feel about all three while reading each of the things we’ve told so far, it’s that person. it means you are in love it could be. According to science, if there is someone you feel safe with, who makes you happy and increases your life energy, and whom you desire sexually, you fall in love.

At this point, however, it should be reiterated that although this three-in-one formula is neurologically based on the study of love, scientists there are different types of love and explains that it would not be possible to limit it to a single definition. So no matter what, you are the only source you can truly rely on when describing your love.

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