How to Tell if You’re Being Lied by Looking at Body Language

We all lie, even if it’s a “pink lie”. “I do not lie.” Anyone who says so is lying. When you say this, if the person you are talking to is someone who understands body language at all, your lie can be revealed very easily. If you want to understand whether the other person is lying or not, keep reading!

Many quantitative signs can occur in a person who is lying. Of course, we cannot say that all of these signs are one hundred percent signs of lying, but research shows that the signs seen when lying are potential body language clues has been showing for years.

After reading our content You may get ridiculous while trying to control your own body language. Or you may not be able to listen to what the other person is saying because you focus on their body language. So let’s start.

Knowing body language is of great importance in crime cases and solving incidents.

Even if we don’t realize it, communication takes place through body language rather than verbal language. The body language used in addition to a sentence that comes out of the mouth tells much more. Especially in criminal cases; emotional states, reactions, movements, facial expressions of the suspects or witnesses; In short, everything included in body language as much as evidence found at the crime scene valuable.

Moreover, there are many cases that were resolved this way. For now, without going into the complex aspects, we just Simple examples that are likely to be encountered in daily life We will proceed through it. If you are interested in the subject and want to get more detailed information, you can take a look at the scientific articles of body language experts.

The tendency to use hands while lying increases.

Lying can be associated with hands, but not while lying. After telling the lie! Our minds do many things, including making up the story, determining whether it is believed or not, and adding to the story accordingly. So a normal gesture that would normally precede a statement, after the statement is being done.

Research by the University of Michigan found that liars were more likely to use both hands than those who told the truth. Forty percent of those who lie, using both hands Among those who told the truth, this rate was twenty-five percent.

Another clue we can get about the hands is that the palms are not open. So if you want to give a trustworthy impression your palms are always open to the person or people you are talking to should be.

The body may begin to make involuntary movements.

your body when you lie rocking back and forth, head tilting, leg shaking, fidgeting while sitting Movements such as this may occur. Because when we are nervous, fluctuations in our nervous system cause itching or tingling in our body and we tend to move more.

What we can even call “care behaviors” playing with hair or straightening clothes One of the actions that may occur when lying.

Movements and speech may be incompatible.

Incongruent gestures are body movements that do not match the words the person is saying. For example, a person If he shakes his head “no” when saying “yes” This may indicate that he is not telling the truth.

Above a good example of acting We see Steve Carell as. “No!” Then he moves his head in harmony with what he says.

So, what are the clues that may emerge from the face? Let’s start with the eyes.

Looking away while talking may occur because we are thinking about what to say next. However, this is not always true because when thinking about something or trying to remember We can also look left and right.

The most important thing about eyes is constancy. People who tell lies are much more likely to stare at others than those who tell the truth. If we were to put it in quantitative data, seventy percent of those who lie would tell a lie to the person they lied to. upright looking.

Another finding is placing hands over the eyes or closing the eyes while lying. But eyes and body language Much more research is needed on the subject. Additionally, whether or not to make eye contact is something that varies greatly from culture to culture.

What clues can we get from word of mouth?

When the lips turn inwards to the point where they almost disappear, this can be a sign of lying because the person lying Involuntarily trying to hide feelings and facts in this way works. Pursing the lips, which also means not wanting to participate in the conversation, can also occur when lying.

What about tone of voice?

When we are nervous, the muscles in our vocal cords may tense as an instinctive response to stress. This can cause the sound to sound very high-pitched. Here’s how to fix those strained muscles throat clearing, coughing Movements such as this also occur as accompaniment of lies.

In addition; It has been proven many times that people who lie tend to raise their voices. But this get defensive A reflex that can also be done for

If you are interested, we have a few suggestions.

Yes, it can be understood from body language whether someone is lying or not, but this does not mean 100% accurate information. individual differences may occur, the seat the person is sitting on may be uncomfortable, he may be really itchy, he may be anxious…

If you become obsessed with the subject of body language, after a while you will stop focusing on the other person’s body language or You can’t listen to him out of doubt Even so, let me tell you… Still, if such topics interest you, let’s leave a few suggestions:

Body language focused detective series “Lie to Me”eat; featuring true crime cases, celebrities and politicians “A Faking it Special” documentary, the movie “Liar Liar” or the period when the FBI developed lie analysis. “Mindhunter” You can check out the series.

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