How to query e-Government accident report?

e-Government Gateway continues to gain new features every day. A new service added will make vehicle owners happy. Now Accident detection report via e-Government Gateway It will be possible to question. So how is an e-Government accident report created?

Thanks to the new service added to e-Government, it is now possible to fill out accident reports and contact insurance companies. With the new “Accident Report Issuance” service, drivers can easily report their accidents. This will save both time in traffic and paper/pen costs.

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To create an accident report via the e-Government Gateway, you need to type “Accident Report Editing” in the search box. Then, on the service page, you must enter the date, location of the accident, vehicles involved and other details. After the entered information is checked, it is possible to save the report.

Trillion dollar development model for Türkiye: Artificial intelligence revolution is at the door!Trillion dollar development model for Türkiye: Artificial intelligence revolution is at the door!

Trillion dollar development model for Türkiye: Artificial intelligence revolution is at the door!

At the event organized by Google Türkiye today, Country Manager Mehmet Keteloğlu touched upon Turkey’s artificial intelligence potential.

The most important advantage of the service is that the report information is transferred directly to the Insurance Information and Monitoring Center (SBM). Thus, insurance companies will be immediately informed that the accident has occurred. It will also be possible to quickly start damage assessment and compensation payment processes.

The service is expected to provide great convenience for drivers. They will be spared the time-consuming process of calling the insurance company by phone and sending copies of the report. They will be able to instantly prepare reports and follow up online via e-Government.

This service, which increases citizens’ access to digital services, will facilitate post-accident compensation processes.

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