How to Increase Typing Speed ​​on Keyboard?

Doesn’t your typing speed increase no matter how accustomed you are to using the keyboard? Maybe there are 1-2 small but important points you missed. Let’s find out.

Almost all of us use keyboards in our daily life. Some of us use it while playing, some of us are working; while some of us are doing homework and some of us are communicating with others. Using this tool quickly can save lives, regardless of our purpose.

Listen, especially if your job involves quick writing, translation, copywriting, and similar actions. In this article, we will tell you how to increase your typing speed with a few tips. We will not only focus on being fast, but also on using the keyboard correctly while being fast. If you’re ready, let’s start.

What speed is considered ‘ordinary’ when using a keyboard?

Before you start accelerating, you may want to learn how fast your own speed counts. Let’s say right now; If you can type from 20 words to 50 words per minute, congratulations. You have the world’s average typing speed, so you’re not in bad shape. With the tips we will talk about shortly, you can reach up to 70 words per minute and reach the average speed of professional typists. If you get between 70 and 90 words, you are typing much faster than the vast majority of the world’s population. If you pass the 100 threshold, congratulations, we can’t say that you are stuck with the following tips when you are already at this level.

Ways to increase typing speed on the keyboard:

Use different hand positions


Many people keep their left hand above the letters ‘ASDF’ and their right hand over the letters ‘JKL’ when using the keyboard. This is a practical position for average speed, but if you want to exceed 50 words per minute We suggest you open your hands a little more. For example, if you open your left hand fingers close to the letters ‘AERH’ and the right hand fingers close to the letters ‘MOP’, once you get used to this position, it will be easier to reach the keyboard’s place.

Practice on writing sites


Doing exercises on sites such as keybr, monkeytype and typeracer as a cookie can increase your keyboard speed. These sites have different types of tests, such as punctuation and tests where you need to consider capital letters and those that don’t. Let’s take a look.

Quick word deletion shortcut:


Holding down the ‘backspace’ key or repeatedly pressing the ‘backspace’ key after a word mistake while typing can waste your time. However, there is a key combination that completely deletes the last word you typed. ‘Ctrl+Backspace’ on Windows and ‘Option+Backspace’ on MacOS It doesn’t take even half a second to delete words with the keys instead of 3 seconds.

Wrist angle is very important



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An ordinary keyboard may cause you to bend your wrist up or down when typing based on your height from the desk. However, it has an adjustable inclination and a wrist-rest compartment, an ergonomic keyboard; It does not require any part of your hand to work except your fingers.

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