How to cancel Netflix membership?

It is very popular among the digital broadcast platforms we use to watch TV series and movies. Netflix, membership cancellation Of course, it does not neglect to offer the option. If you do not want to use Netflix, either because you find the price too high, because you believe it is wasting your time, or for any other reason, we have explained in our guide how to completely close your account.

Cancel Netflix membership – iOS and Android

Firstly Netflix membership cancellation on Android and iOS devices We will talk about the subject. Unfortunately, there is no mobile application that can be downloaded from digital application stores. Netflix account closure There is no option.

Since the mobile application does not have the option to cancel Netflix membership, we have to perform all the steps through the browser. Let’s start the process by opening a program such as Safari, Chrome, Opera. To cancel your Netflix subscription, you must follow these steps:

  1. First of all Netflix Account Settings Click on the link.
  2. When requested “Email address or phone number” with “Password” Log in by typing your account information in the sections.
  3. Scroll down the page a little and you will see “Cancel Membership” Press the button.

At the last stage, Netflix once again asks “Do you want to cancel your membership?” ” he will ask for control purposes. If you really want to close your account, click on the blue button. “Complete Cancellation” You have to press the button. If you are interested in future content added to Netflix Notification will be sent to your e-mail address If you want, click “Yes” at the bottom. Email me about newly added TV series, movies and Netflix.” Don’t forget to tick the box as well.

Netflix announced its 10 most watched original content

Netflix announced its 10 most watched original content

Netflix, which published its user report for the second quarter of 2021, also announced the most watched series and movies on the platform.

Netflix membership cancellation – Web

Netflix membership cancellation don’t Windows, Mac, Linux It is done via the Web on desktop or laptop computers with operating systems. First, open Safari, Chrome or any other browser you use and log in to Netflix and follow the steps below.

Step 1: Hover over the profile icon in the upper right corner and click on the menu that opens. “Bill” Click the button.

netflix subscription cancellation

Step 2: on the left side of the page that appears. “Cancel Membership” Click the button. Then on the screen that opens “Complete Cancellation” Confirm the action by pressing the button.

netflix account closure

That’s it for canceling Netflix on the Web using a computer. It is worth reminding again; About new content to be added to be informed If you want, click “Yes” at the bottom. Email me about newly added TV series, movies and Netflix.” You need to tick the box. Even if you do not have an account, the system will automatically send you an e-mail and notify you.

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