How the family business Aqon becomes a platform for a start-up

Konstantin Wilk and Maximilian Wilk

The brothers continue the father’s business – and in the direction of the platform.

(Photo: obs)

Dusseldorf Around 40 percent of all households in Germany are in a region with hard water. The consequences are not just limescale stains in the kitchen and bathroom. Household appliances also need more energy because of limescale deposits and break down more quickly.

The company Aqon Pure has found a technical solution for this. The founders Maximilian and Konstantin Wilk have developed a device that crystallizes the lime in the water. This is installed in the main water pipe after the water meter. As a result, the lime settles less on surfaces.

But the success was initially rather meager. They were only able to turn over 50,000 euros in the first year after the company was founded. But then they had an idea that turned them around. Instead of only selling to installers, they set up direct sales including installation via their website.

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