How Spotify Recommends Songs You’ll Love Every Time

The biggest reason for the success of Spotify, the digital music platform with millions of active users around the world, is of course the fact that it offers songs that everyone will love. So how is it that Spotify always recommends a song you’ll love exactly? The secret is hidden in the artificial intelligence-assisted algorithm.

It’s been years since the tape and CD era came to an end. Even listening to music with files in MP3 format has become a nostalgia. The new generation of music listening habits Spotify, It creates digital music platforms like YouTube Music and Apple Music. Among them It is possible to say that the Spotify platform has come to the fore. According to the latest data, the platform has 158 million premium users and 198 million free users.

The number one choice of millions of users Spotify The biggest reason is that the platform almost always recommends a song or playlist that its user will love. Serving since 2006 Spotify uses an artificial intelligence-supported algorithm for song recommendation. Herein lies the secret. Let’s take a closer look at how this algorithm works.

How does the Spotify algorithm make pinpoint recommendations?

  • 30 second rule
  • Age-specific recommendations
  • Suggestions based on location
  • Suggestions based on user data
  • Audio analysis on new songs
  • Sponsored content suggestions
  • Auto playlists are extremely important

The 30 second rule:

Even if a similar second rule is used by all platform algorithms Spotify is the platform that sets the clearest rule in this regard. looks like. If you don’t like a song that you randomly opened on Spotify or a song that plays normally in a playlist, you have 30 seconds to show it.

Let’s just say a song starts playing and it’s not going bad. But something happened at 20 seconds and you realized that this song is not for you anymore. Change the song now. Thus, the algorithm will understand that this song is not suitable for the user and will eliminate similar songs.

Let’s say a song has started and it’s not going bad. that song really If you like it, listen to it until the end. Like the YouTube algorithm, the Spotify algorithm basically cares about the content that the user watches or listens without stopping from start to finish and publishes the next suggestions by evaluating these contents.

Suggestions based on age:


The main determinant of music, especially for first-time Spotify users, is the age of the person. if people of the same age as you like a track You will definitely see that piece in the suggestions that appear. You can customize this system as time goes on, but basically that’s how it all starts.

Suggestions based on location:


Just like your age, your location is just as important a factor in recommendations if you share it with the platform. With you a song that people in a similar position enjoy listening to It will definitely be recommended to you. Of course, it is possible to change this factor later as you listen to different music, but when you create a new account, the first recommendations are created in this way.

Suggestions based on user data:


The name of the artificial intelligence supported algorithm used by Spotify is BaRT. BaRT is based on the algorithm used by many platforms. it is much smarter. It analyzes the user data in all its details and thus manages to recommend the music that each user will like exactly.

Music you save, tracks you download, playlists you review, artists you follow, how often you listen to similar songs, songs you share, searches you make, and more all the data you can think of Spotify’s AI-powered algorithm is reviewed by BaRT, and the best recommendations are created that way. So you reap what you sow.

Audio analysis on new songs:


User-sourced information, of course, constitutes the most important data of the Spotify algorithm, but the system is not limited to this. Spotify has its own audio analysis technology. Thanks to this technology, all newly uploaded parts to the platform are examined and compared with other parts.

For example user likes to listen to songs with long guitar solos The Spotify algorithm also presents tracks with long guitar solos to that user. It is possible to reproduce such examples as many times as you wish. The important thing is that the user is sure of what type of tracks they want to listen to. Spotify does the rest.

Sponsored content suggestions:


Of course, not everything is so rosy. Sponsored content on Spotify He also shares content whose income will come to him. If a song you don’t like suddenly starts playing in the playlist, be sure that the royalty income of that song goes to Spotify. More new users come across such suggestions. If you have been listening to music on the platform for a long time, you will not encounter such irrelevant sponsored content very often.

Auto playlists are extremely important:


You may have noticed that after you open a random music on Spotify, the automatic playlist continues. This is one of the most important data feeding the algorithm. When you like the songs you like in the automatic playlist and skip the ones you don’t like, it’s almost like you chose the Spotify recommendations yourself. algorithm, the user’s reaction to such random encounters. very enthusiastic about the review.

Here’s what you need to do to guide the Spotify algorithm correctly:


If you are a new Spotify user, take your time and listen to lots of music. No matter how clever the algorithm is, he needs some time to get to know you well enough. If you pay attention to the details we have explained above during this time, you will soon come across pieces that you will love exactly.

Never forget the 30 second rule. This is one of the most important data feeding the algorithm. In fact, if you’re paying attention, just because of that. Most of the songs made in recent years start directly with the chorus. The audience no longer has the patience to listen to long introductions. Spotify is aware of this and is very determined to feed its algorithm in this way.

You can enjoy, download, save, share and enjoy the songs you love to listen to. Feel free to follow your favorite artists. Thus, you both support them and feed the Spotify algorithm correctly and determine how the next suggestion will be. Remember that you are in total control.

It has millions of premium users worldwide How is it that Spotify always recommends exactly the songs we’ll love? We answered the question and told you what you need to know about the artificial intelligence supported algorithm of the platform. You can share your thoughts about Spotify in the comments.

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