How Much PlayStation Games Sold on PC Revealed

Sony, at its meeting with investors, announced how much success PlayStation games have achieved on PC. In addition, the company shared its future goals by announcing that it will focus on the mobile game industry.

Sony, especially at the meeting where it met with investors today PlayStation and shared important data and news about the progress and achievements of the game department. Among these, there were explanations about the arrival of PlayStation games on mobile and the games that will come with new virtual reality glasses.

At the meeting where PlayStation Studios’ plans for the coming years were also discussed, Sony will soon to the mobile game industry and GTA Online, Dota 2, CS: GO etc. where players spend a long time. like multiplayer ‘live-service’ will focus on games showed. Sony has previously come to the fore with the news that PlayStation games will come to mobile.

1 out of 5 Sony’s games could be a mobile game

Sony also included a prediction showing how much more it will focus on mobile games in a part of its presentation. The company will own its own by 2025. 20% of output is mobile announced their plans. So it will be out of Sony. 1 out of every 5 games can be a mobile game.

It was announced how much PlayStation games sold on PC:


On another page that Sony showed in the presentation, he also shared how many sales of PlayStation Special games coming to PC were sold. According to data as of March 2022 God of War 971 thousand, Days Gone 852k and Horizon Zero Down sold 2 million 398 thousand units. The total revenue from these games was $108.9 million.

While the company announced the revenue it earned in 2021 on the PC side as $ 80 million, this number will be higher this year. He expects it to exceed $300 million. also announced.

PSVR 2 virtual reality glasses will arrive in more than 20 major titles:

Sony, on the other hand, made a statement that will make virtual reality glasses more ‘affordable’ now. The company says its virtual reality glasses are developed by both Sony and third-party studios. It will come with more than 20 productions explained. So far, we have heard that names such as Coatsink, nDreams and Fast Travel Games are working on these games.


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