How Much of Our Activity Do Service Providers See?

Despite all the privacy measures you take, every incognito tab you open, there is someone who can track you… Your internet service provider! So exactly how much does he have access to and why does he do this?

Are you downloading copyrighted songs or movies via torrent? Are you visiting sites you wouldn’t want your family to know about? Are you searching for stupid queries that you don’t want anyone to see? No matter how many security measures you take for all of this, when your internet provider gets involved much more than you think sees.

If you’re ready to feel a little more insecure, let your internet service provider check your scans. how much you can access and how you can use it Let’s explain.

Your browsing history is always hidden somewhere.

Clearing your browsing history or opening an incognito tab can be a basic security measure you can take to prevent your movements from being tracked. Although these prevent anyone using your computer or advertisers from seeing your activity, your service provider who controls your access to the internet everything continues to see. Including your IP address and location…

Even If you are using someone else’s WiFi, their service provider, continues to track your activity. Well, since they can also see the device you are using, tracking you won’t be a problem.

Of course, you can sit in front of a computer and watch every click you make. “Haha, look what the sucker is watching!” No one says, but this means that your browsing history is stored in their systems. It doesn’t mean it’s not hidden somewhere.

So why are they watching our every move?

internet service provider

For internet service providers, every click we make is a source of revenue. They sell our browsing data to marketing companies. Let’s even raise the bar a little higher. Data collected by service providers, such as the police or other government agencies also by external organizations accessible.

In case of a lawsuit, your service provider any information it legally has about you must provide. Unfortunately, in authoritarian states, this often leads to frightening consequences. People often use VPN to prevent this privacy violation.

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