How Much Did Turkey Earn From Automobile Exports in 2021?

The figures obtained between January and November in automotive, Turkey’s largest export sector, were announced. While there was a decrease in exports only in November, there was a great increase in the January-November period.

January-November export data for Turkey’s automotive industry has been announced. Uludag Automotive Industry Exporters’ Association (OIB) According to the information obtained by Turkey’s automotive sector, only in November, foreign sales were higher than last year. decreased by 6%. The automotive sector, which has been Turkey’s largest export source for 15 years, had 11.8% of the country’s exports last month.

On the other hand, Turkey’s exports in the automotive sector between January and November are higher than the exports made during the same period last year. 16% more. in total $26.4 billion The monthly export rate in the export specified as 2.5 billion dollars is stated as. Thus, the automotive industry once again became the leading sector in Turkey’s exports.

Germany became the country to which Turkey exports the most in automotive

Turkey’s exports in the January-November period Germany in first place is located. After Germany, which increased by 9% compared to last year, more exports were made to Egypt by 47%, to Morocco by 17% and to Ireland by 30%. In addition, exports to the USA increased by 21%, to the United Kingdom by 13%, to Russia by 28%, to Poland by 23%, to Belgium by 40% and to the Netherlands by 43%. The countries with a decrease in exports were Spain with 19%, Morocco and Slovenia with 27%.


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Turkey in November ‘supply industry’ The revenue from its exports increased by 13.5% and reached 1 billion 29 million dollars. 834 million dollars from passenger car exports, which decreased by 17%, 328 million dollars from ‘motor vehicles for transporting goods’, which decreased by 39%, 156 million dollars from ‘bus, minibus, midibus’ exports, which increased by 9%, and ‘attractive’, which increased by 113%. 147 million dollars were obtained from its exports.

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