How Many Can You Do In This General Culture Test?

We are here with a brand new general culture test. Can you answer all of these questions we asked in many different fields, from technology to history?

Are you one of those people who are confident about general culture questions? In that case who answered all correctly We present you with this compelling general culture test that you can be proud of.

By solving these questions you can test yourself You can improve your day by acquiring new information.

Which planet has the most moons among the planets in the Solar System?

a) Anthem

B) Saturn

C) Jupiter

D) Uranus

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Which country does not have a land border with Turkey?

Türkiye map

a) Greece

B) Ukraine

C) Georgia

D) Iranian

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In what year was Apple founded?

a) 1949

B) 1969

C) 1976

D) 1991

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What year was Samsung’s Galaxy S series first announced?

Samsung Galaxy S

a) 2008

B) 2010

C) 2009

D) 2011

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Which famous painter does the picture in the image belong to?

Last dinner

a) Leonardo da Vinci

B) Edward Munch

C) Vincent Van Gogh

D) Gustav Klimt

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In which year was the Euro, the common currency of the member states of the European Union, started to be used?

a) 1989

B) 1991

C) 2000

D) 2002

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What is the average height of Turkey?


a) 430 meters

B) 573 meters

C) 854 meters

D) 1141 meters

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How many bytes is 1 Gigabyte?

a) 1,073,741,824 bytes

B) 1,048,576 bytes

C) 1,024,000 bytes

D) bytes

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What is another name for tuna fish?

a) Gray mullet

B) tuna

C) Coral

D) leer

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Which mountain is the second highest mountain in Turkey?

Turkey's highest mountains

a) Mount Cilo

B) Mount Suphan

C) Taurus

D) Kucukagri Mountain

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Which movie does this music you listen to belong to?

a) Requiem For a Dream

B) The Prestige

C) Pulp Fiction

D) 28 Weeks Later

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Which animal sleeps while hugging so as not to be separated from each other?

a) Rabbit

B) Koala

C) Otter

D) Chimp

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Which is the fastest animal in the world?

a) golden eagle

B) Gokdogan

C) Slat

D) Ostrich

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Who is the famous author who wrote the book of the 1999 film Green Road?

a) Stefan Zweig

B) John Steinbeck

C) Stephen King

D) William Golding

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Can You Find Out Which Movies These Music You Will Listen To? [TEST]

In which year was the Barbie toy first released?

a) 1941

B) 1959

C) 1975

D) 1986

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If You Can Do All Of These General Culture Questions, It Means You Are More Cultured Than 95% Of The Society

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