How is the speed limit determined on the roads?

Speed ​​limits are something drivers face every day. We admit that sometimes these rules can seem annoying, especially when we are rushing to go to work or meet friends.

But when we think about it, these rules are just not for traffic order; It is also important for the safety of all of us.

Well, this is what we see differently on the roads. How are speed limits determined?

Sometimes when we are in a hurry we can exceed the speed limit.

In this process that resulted in a penalty a sanction for not following the rules Of course it is implemented. We don’t even need to say how dangerous it is to break traffic rules unless vital situations are at stake.

What we see on the roads Speed ​​limits may change sometimes. Of course, the speed limit on a highway and a normal road are not the same. This has as much to do with environmental factors as location.

First of all, the road type is important.

Speed ​​Limit

Highways, urban roads, rural roads Different speed limits are determined for different types of roads. While higher speed limits are applied on highways, lower speed limits are set on urban roads and residential areas.

Traffic density is also a very important issue. In areas with heavy traffic, more low speed limits often necessary to prevent accidents and regulate traffic flow.

The physical characteristics of the road also determine the speed limit.

Speed ​​Limit

Not every road is the same, some roads are wider while others are narrower; Some are curvy while others are straight. Of course, features like these sets the speed limit. Speed ​​limits are lower in areas such as dangerous bends, narrow roads or steep hills.

What is the pedestrian traffic situation in the area? There is a high density of people in areas such as schools and shopping malls. Since pedestrian safety is taken into consideration, speed limits are low here as well.

And finally, legal regulations…

Traffic laws and regulations of the countries are also It plays an important role in setting speed limits. Each country sets speed limits according to its own traffic laws. Therefore, the speed limit in our country cannot be the same as the speed limit in another country.

Considering all these factors Why speed limits vary We understand better.

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