How High Inflation in the USA Will Impact Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies!

In these days when the USA is struggling with the highest inflation figures it has seen in the last 39 years, investors have sought a safe haven where they can protect the value of their money.

Celsius Network CEO Alex Mashinsky said that 2022 will be a volatile year in the face of concerns about new variants of Covid-19 and uncertainties about whether the FED will tighten monetary policy due to rising inflation.

In a recent interview with Kitco News, Alex Mashinsky said that gold and Bitcoin, which are limit assets, can protect investors against Covid-19 variants and rising inflation concerns.

Noting that people should look at which economic scenario is most likely to occur to determine their investment strategy, Mashinsky said:

“If inflation gets out of control, double-digit numbers and too much volatility, gold and Bitcoin will become safe assets.

If inflation is in the single digits and the FED fights inflation then all assets will depreciate against the dollar.

However, if the opposite happens and the FED decides that inflation is not a problem and does not fight inflation, then all asset prices will rise.”

In summary, Mashinsky stated that the statements from the FED in 2022 will guide the markets, and that the FED will have to make a choice between the risks posed by variants on the economies and the rise in inflation.

If this preference is for the further delay of monetary tightening, 2022 may be a good year for cryptocurrencies.

*Not investment advice.

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