How Have Social Media Platforms’ Logos Changed?

Twitter went through one of the most radical brand changes in history, its logo was completely changed. So, how have the logos of other social media platforms, including Twitter, changed over the years?

Founded in 2006 and continuing to be one of the most popular social media platforms today, Twitter is now “twitter‘ says goodbye to the world. The platform was rebranded as “X” by its new owner, Elon Musk.

With this change, Twitter’s iconic blue bird logo has changed, replaced by an X. The domain also started redirecting to Twitter. With the entire transformation process expected to be completed soon, let’s shed some light on the past. They are not such radical changes, but other How have the logos of major social media platforms changed over the years?

The logo adventure of social media platforms:

Let’s start with Twitter:

Yes, you don’t see it wrong. Twitter, when it wasn’t going public yet “twttaIt had a logo consisting of the words ”. This logo changed with the launch of the platform in 2006. No one saw the existence of this logo.


facebook logo

Facebook, on the other hand, had gradients, one of the popular trends of that time, when it was founded in 2005. With the popularization of the minimalist concept over the years, logo simplified, simplified, simplified…


instagram logo

If Instagram this is the star of our list. The platform also showed with its logo that it was a photo sharing platform. Until 2011, a prominent camera was featured in the logo. In 2016, the transition to color and camera vector, which is engraved in our memory, was made, and these colors were revived in 2022.


snapchat logo

The greatest of an era Snapchat, had a friendly logo in 2011. But just like other platforms, it switched to the faceless ghost character towards the middle of the 2010s. In 2019, the contour of this character was further increased.


youtube logo

Although we remember that its logo has changed many times, it actually looks like it has changed very little, doesn’t it? YouTube, which remained true to its original tracks until 2015, placed the word “Tube” in its name in a red box. In 2017, this box received a play button, and the YouTube text was completely removed from this frame.

Bonus – TikTok:

tik tok logo

While all these platforms have undergone changes even recently, the most popular social media platform TikTokcontinues to use the logo it adopted in 2016. Although the text “TikTok” was added to this logo in 2017, this text changed to a state where “Tik” and “Tok” were combined in 2018.


The Changes Made In The Logos Of 22 Famous Brands In Our Lives In Recent Years

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