How Have Game Characters Changed From Past to Present?

Although the game characters do not have as much depth as TV series or movie characters (at least in most games), each of them is the hero of our childhood. In this article, we wanted to tell you how they evolved from pixels to characters that look like real people and living.

Gaming graphics have evolved rapidly over the past decade, taking advantage of the tremendous advances in faster processors, more powerful memory, and graphics card technology. Early games brought to life the rich visuals of that time impossible because it was simple still images and its characters consisted of polygons.

Although these game characters were just pixels and geometric shapes back then, they all became our heroes. but now How do these characters look?Let’s take a look at how they have come from the past to the present.

  • Max Payne
  • Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
  • Link (Legend of Zelda)
  • Leon and Claire (Resident Evil)
  • Nathan Drake (Uncharted)
  • Kratos (God of War)
  • Spider-Man
  • Captain Price (Call of Duty)
  • Scorpion and Sub-Zero (Mortal Kombat)
  • Solid Snake (Metal Gear)

Max Payne

  • First game: 2001
  • Last game: 2012

Max Payne is a revolution in gaming history. Max Payne, which can be considered the ancestor of 3rd person shooter games, was developed by Remedy. The face of Max Payne character, which was released in 2001, was one of the founders of the company. He is the face of Sam Lake. Later, in Max Payne 2, our brother Max was played by an actor named Timothy Gibbs.

max payne 3

In 2011, Max Payne’s rights were purchased from Remedy and transferred to Rockstar Games, where Max Payne was played by an actor named James McCaffrey. However, although the gameplay mechanics of Max Payne did not change much, of course, the graphics were at the top with the quality of Rockstar Games. Max’s face was created in 2012, when a real person’s face was originally a .jpeg file of a real person’s face. motion capture with technology It’s really fascinating to see it come to life.

Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)

lara croft

  • First game: 1996
  • Last game: 2018

Of course, in such a list, it would be impossible if we did not mention our older sister Lara Croft. It first conquered the hearts of players in 1996. Lara CroftAt that time, it really consisted of painting geometric shapes. In fact, the fact that Lara Croft’s breasts were triangular at that time was a joke today.

lara croft

With the Tomb Raider series, which was revived in 2010, of course, Lara Croft also underwent a big change. The new movie produced by Square Enix Tomb Raider seriesthe graphics are truly stunning, and the gorgeous portrayal of Lara Croft is one to watch.

Link (Legend of Zelda)

legend of zelda

  • First game: 1986
  • Endgame: 2022

If you are an actress, the character we play in ‘Legend of Zelda’ is not named Zelda!’ You’ve probably heard the phrase hundreds of times. The Legend of Zelda The main character, Link, has undergone a great change from the past to the present, anyway, the first game was released in 1986, how could it not be?

zelda link

The first Legend of Zelda game was released in 1986 and was developed by Nintendo. The first LoZ game, one of Nintendo’s most successful franchises It was an 8bit platform game. The biggest change of the Link character took place with the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild game. By the way, the second game of Breath of the Wild will come in 2022.

Leon and Claire (Resident Evil)

resident evil 2 leon and claire

  • First game: 1996
  • Endgame: 2021

Resident Evil series, one of the first representatives of the horror and tension theme in the game world, was developed by Capcom and entered our lives in 1996. We got to know many of the characters that still exist in the Resident Evil series with this first game, but the two most loved characters are always Resident Evil 2 It was Leon and Claire who came into our lives with

leon and claire

officer of the Raccoon City Police Department Leon S Kennedy and Chris Redfield’s brother Claire Redfield’s Resident Evil 2, where his path crossed, was released in 1999. With Resident Evil 2, which was later remade in 2018, it’s a real treat to see how these characters look today.

Nathan Drake (Uncharted)

nathan drake

  • First game: 2007
  • Last game: 2016

Perhaps the most ‘relevant’ game on the list may be the Uncharted series, because its first game was released in 2007, the PlayStation 3 era. However, this does not mean that Nathan Drake It has not undergone any major changes until today.

nathan drake

When the first game was released, it was labeled ‘Tomb Raider with Indiana Jones’ from the game world. However, Uncharted managed to mislead these people with its gameplay, story and graphics that were up to that time. With the remaining games in the series, Nathan Drake has become one of the most recognizable characters in the PlayStation world. released in 2016 Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Along with Nathan Drake, he became completely different from the first game.

Kratos (God of War)


  • First game: 2005
  • Last game: 2018

Kratos’ place is different for PlayStation players. God of War, the game series that we can say that makes PlayStation PlayStation, with its first three games and side games ‘Hack & Slash’ It was a themed series. We only saw our character from above and didn’t focus on the story as we cut through what was in front of us. Yet Kratos pale gray body and red tattoos is in our memory.


Both this gameplay of God of War and that PlayStation 2 look of Kratos took a completely different turn with God of War (2018). Kind of in terms of gameplay. Last of Us-esque Kratos of God of War, which came to a state that we can call it, was no longer as hard-eyed as it used to be. However, it was graphically different.


spiderman game

  • First game: 2001
  • Endgame: 2020

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind when Spider-Man is mentioned is the movie, not the game. Tobey Maguire is not a pipe after all. Of course, Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland should not be slandered. But the reason we’re focusing specifically on Tobey MaguireSpider-Man game based on his movie in 2001. Maybe most players don’t remember that game, but we’re sure there is a niche audience that does.

spiderman 2018

The Spider-Man game at that time had been a game where many fans spent their childhood. The last Spider-Man game developed by Insomniac in 2018 was inspired by no movie. even he a Spider-Man with his own universe it happened. It doesn’t end with explaining the details in this game, but even just the version of Spider-Man is enough for you to understand.

Captain Price (Call of Duty)

captain price cod 1

  • First game: 2004
  • Last game: 2019

The Call of Duty series has hosted many legendary and iconic characters such as Soap, Roach, Captain MacMillan, Sandman, Ghost, Reznov, Mason, Hudson, Woods and Yuri. But as you know, none of these Captain Price He did not succeed in establishing a throne in our hearts until today.

captain price

Not many people know that the Call of Duty series had a Captain Price before Modern Warfare. Captain Price, which was released in 2004 and took place in the second world war, was loved so much that he came back to the series as his grandchild with the Modern Warfare series. Of course, with the new Modern Warfare coming out in 2019, Cpt. Price has changed again, but his truly iconic look It’s the version in the classic Modern Warfare trilogy.

Scorpion and Sub-Zero (Mortal Kombat)

subzero scorpion

  • First game: 1992
  • Last game: 2019

Mortal Kombat, which is the most popular fighting game in our country, was first released in 1992, and Mortal Kombat characters at that time were shot of people dressed in real costumes while acting. combined photos it was still

sub zero scorpion

Of course, the two most well-known characters of the Mortal Kombat series Scorpion and Sub-Zero. With Mortal Kombat 11, we no longer see these characters in only 2 dimensions and we can watch their stories. You can really feel like you are in a movie while fighting them in Mortal Kombat 11.

Solid Snake (Metal Gear)

solid snake

  • First game: 1987
  • Last game: 2018

Metal Gear The series is a bit of a mixed series, it didn’t always have the same characters. However, the most well-known character of the series is of course Solid Snake. When Solid Snake first appeared, he had a depiction covering his eyes with a bandana.

solid snake

Along with Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain Solid Snake his character became truly admirable. Both the game’s innovative gameplay mechanics and Solid Snake’s new charisma make you feel completely different.


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Thus, we have come to the end of our content, where we list the change of game characters that we love from past to present. Please do not forget to share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section below.

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