How Does Ice Burn? – Webtekno

Although ice cools our drinks in hot weather, when we hold it directly in our hands, it sticks to our skin and can often burn.

so that We cannot move our hands in cold weather, when we touch the snow, we feel numb for a few minutes. The only reason for this is a phenomenon popularly called ‘cold bite’.

Alright How can ice burn our hands?

Ice is actually a type of low temperature storage.

In the liquid state, water molecules move randomly and hold together hydrogen bonds, It allows molecules to stick together. However, as the temperature of the water decreases, these hydrogen bonds become more ordered and the molecules form a more ordered crystal structure.

Here it is “burning” property of ice Activated. Ice forms a tight crystal structure when solid. This regular structure makes ice a solid and hard substance. However, this same structure can also cause problems when it comes into contact with the skin.

Our skin is actually more sensitive than we think.

skin flash

The low temperature of ice can freeze skin tissues and even cause damage to the surface of the skin. ice burn can cause similar damage. This becomes especially evident in case of prolonged contact or intense exposure to cold weather.

However, another reason why ice damages the skin is its icing effect. Ice contacting the skin in cold weather conditionsmay cause the fluids on the skin surface to freeze and crystallize. These crystals damage skin cells and even cause blisters or sores on the skin.

Skin that is in contact with ice for a long time is also exposed to effects such as narrowing of blood vessels and decreased blood flow.

This means that the tissues preventing it from getting enough oxygen and nutrients increases skin damage.

As you see, ice damage to skin The main reason is its low temperature and the freezing effect it creates when it comes into contact with the skin. Be the first to think twice before touching the ice with your bare hands!

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