How Do You Know If You’re Smarter Than the Average Person?

“Who is smarter?” has become the key question of the environment. or “Am I smarter than the average?” are topics that can be discussed at length. If you haven’t figured it out yet, science certainly has an answer to these questions.

Just as the interests and abilities of each of us are different from each other, Our intelligence levels have the same variability.

Alright, Whether we are smarter than average How can we understand?

In fact, some research may lead us to the answer to this question, at least to some extent.

For example; If you are taller than the people around you You may be smarter than those people. Namely; In 2013, researchers noticed that taller children scored higher on a cognitive skills test.

Also, if you are the oldest child in the family, You are more likely to be smarter than your siblings quite high. In a study conducted on 250,000 Norwegian military personnel; The average IQ of first-born children was 2.3 points higher than their later-born siblings.

What if we were to say that how you eat in infancy also affects your intelligence level?

A study conducted in Brazil; Followed 3,000 babies until age 30 and researchers found IQ, education and income level of breastfeeding duration and amount He concluded that it has a positive relationship with

Surprisingly, the smarter among us are more addicted to alcohol and drugs.

In another study, smart children in America and England are more likely to consume alcohol when they grow up Similarly, 6,713 people who were smarter than average, from the age of 11 to 42, were positive about substance use.

But when it comes to smoking, things change.

In a study conducted with 20,221 18-year-olds in Israel; these people, Their IQ score was much lower than that of non-smokers.

In addition, smarter people are one step ahead in developing unique values ​​and preferences.

According to the Savanna-IQ interaction hypothesis, these people prefer to do their daily tasks at night rather than doing them during the day. So if you’re a night person, It is quite possible that you are smarter than those around you.

Again, people with verbal intelligence are probably smarter.

In another study consisting of 126 university students, those with dominant verbal intelligence It was more conducive to anxiety and constant thinking. But non-anxious people achieved higher scores on nonverbal tests.

Also only Preschool children doing a 20-day music study His verbal intelligence increased by 90%.

Dreamers are also smarter when it comes to intelligence.

A new study; To stop dreamers from wandering in their brains uses more brain capacity suggests that it may be. So, if you are someone who likes to travel in the dream world, you are on the right track.

There are lefties in this business, too.

According to a study conducted on 96 people who use their right hand better and 96 people who use their left hand better; left-handed people are more creative than right-handed people at the point of thinking outside the box and generating a new idea from a simple subject achieved much better scores.

In conclusion, of course, if you are left-handed or a dreamer, It would be wrong to say that you are 100% smarter than those who are not. These studies were conducted only on a certain number of people and the results may vary for each person.

Sources: AsapSCIENCE, Science, National Library of Medicine 1, 2, 3, The Lancet Global Health, Science Direct 1, 2, 3, 4, American Psychological Association, Sage Journals

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