How Do Some of Us Attract Mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are the nuisance of the summer months, so to speak. However, while they rarely bite some of us, they do not even let others breathe. So what is the reason for this?

The reasons why mosquitoes bite more are always a matter of debate. Skin tone, hair color, blood type, diet Which one do you think is more decisive?

Bride, the answer to this question Let’s give it.

Blood types are quite distinctive among mosquitoes.

For example, people with blood type 0, They are bitten twice as often as those with type A. Group B falls somewhere in between. In other words, the biting action of mosquitoes varies according to blood type.

In addition, the high level of some chemicals in our skin, especially lactic acid, makes us more attractive to mosquitoes. Mosquitoes also become infected thanks to these chemicals. They detect the level of skin bacteria and take action accordingly.

On the other hand, mosquitoes are also affected by the smell of deodorant, perfume and soap. Because they hunt by both sight and smell.


In addition, the amount of carbon dioxide in our body is also decisive. mosquitoes, can smell the carbon dioxide in our body from 60 meters away. For example, when we exercise, we emit more carbon dioxide because our breathing frequency increases.

Appetizing chemicals that attract the attention of mosquitoes when we sweat, releases lactic acid. Finally, when our body temperature rises, the possibility of mosquitoes sticking to our bodies like a magnet increases.

In summary, all these factors It plays an important role in attracting mosquitoes to us. has.

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