How Do Noise Canceling Headphones Work?

While traveling on public transport, working or in a noisy environment, noise canceling headphones can seem like magic. So these headphones; How can it eliminate the noise of airplane engines, city traffic or offices?

Although they are among the indispensable parts of our daily lives, many of us how it works we don’t know.

Passive and active noise canceling headphones After examining how the types work, let’s look at their pros and cons in our lives.

Passive noise cancellation is based entirely on the physical structure of the headset.

Passive noise canceling (PNC) By using thick and dense materials in the headphones, external sounds are prevented from reaching the ear. PNC headphones, which have large, padded ear cups that completely cover the ear, are actually like plugging our ears with fingers and creating a physical barrier against noise.

But these high frequency sounds Blocking it can sometimes be limited.

Active noise cancellation (ANC) uses a more sophisticated approach to cancel out external sounds.

noise canceling headphones

bose invented by the brand active noise canceling technology has internal and external microphones that detect surrounding sounds. External microphones detect the surrounding sounds and transmit these sounds to the processor in the headset. Internal microphones monitor the sounds reaching the headset and provide feedback. In this way, a database of exactly what the sounds in the environment are is created.

The data coming from the microphones is transferred to a device in the headset. digital signal processor (DSP) It is analyzed by. The processor determines the frequency and amplitude of external sounds and produces anti-phase signals appropriate to the sounds. Advanced DSPs can perform this operation in milliseconds. This enables quick adaptation to instantaneous noise changes.

anc headphone

The anti-phase signals produced are also transmitted through the headphone speakers. These speakers play anti-phase signals as well as normal audio signals, allowing you to It neutralizes noise. The quality and frequency response of the speakers play an important role in the effectiveness of the process.

What are the advantages of noise canceling headphones?

ANC technology, It is especially effective in low-frequency noises such as aircraft engines and air conditioning sounds. They also reduce the noise level, providing a less distracting environment. For those who are exposed to loud sounds for a long time, noise canceling headphones also protect their hearing health.

What are the disadvantages of noise canceling headphones?

Active noise cancellation shortens battery life because it consumes energy. When ANC is on, the headphones work for a shorter time than normal usage time. Of course, this technology also has a price. ANC headphones, usually more expensive is happening.

Additionally, some users state that they experience pressure when ANC is on. dizziness Situations like this may arise. These types of headphones may cause discomfort, especially for people whose ears are more sensitive.


Created with the combination of sound engineering and advanced technology noise canceling headphones, It offers clear and peaceful listening even in complex environments. In this way, they actually become an indispensable part of modern life.

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